Crazy Mind

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Isshin sat in his office staring up at the ceiling, his feet propped up on the desk. His arms were crossed behind his head and he found himself staring at the ceiling in a bored manner. Someone's voice caused him to look suddenly to the door to see who had entered the office. "Are you slaking off on your job again nii-sama?"

"I already finished. Now I'm just bored."

Kaien came over and sat on the edge of the desk. "Can I talk to you about something?"

"You know my ears are always open but you know full well that I may not be able to keep a secret."

"It's not really a secret." The other young man looked up at the ceiling as well. "Miyako and I have been talking a lot since the kid ended up at our door."

"Yeah... the two of you have been wanting to adopt the kid because you two haven't been able to have one of your own."

"Well... you already know that. We're actually considering on adopting both. We aren't ready to tell her or the boy yet but Miyako and I have made up our mind on this. Since you are the head of our clan I am going to follow procedure and ask for permission."

Isshin's lips pushed out into a pout. "Oi... you should know that you don't have to ask permission."

"We'll be need you to help us with the paperwork. You know how long it can take."

The older brother rolled his eyes. "Ahh man! You know how much I hate paperwork!"


"Well... I'll be getting a cute little niece and a cute little nephew out of it so I'll put up with it." The man then paused for a few minutes. "Wait... they are cute, right?"

"Isshin..." Kaien moved then from the desk and simply left leaving Isshin to his own. The man looked up at the ceiling. "I miss Ran-chan. I wish Gin would come and visit but he hasn't been around since she died. I kind of wish he would come around. I also have to think about getting a new fukutaicho. I'm not looking forward to this."

"I know. I'll go to the thing at the school and meet my niece. How though will I know it's her. Ah well... I guess I'll just wing it." The man stood up and walked out the door and found the Shinigami he had placed in charge of the task. "Guess what. That thing I assigned you?" The member of his division looked at him. "You know... the thing at the academy? Well... I decided I'll do it! So I'm off."

He left his division member there staring at him, blinking a couple of times before shaking his head at them. He headed towards the academy and on his way he saw the taicho of the fifth division and purposefully shunpooed into the man, knocking the man to the ground. "Hello Sosuke!"

The fifth divsiion taicho pushed the tenth division taicho off of him. "Exactly what are you doing?"

"I'm going to the academy." Isshin swung his fingers around in a heart shape causing the man to simply stare at him before getting up and heading on his way. "Hey! Wait! We're going in the same direction!"

"Why exactly is the head of the Shiba clan choosing to go and help with this."

The younger Shinigami snickered. "He thinks I'm a pervert the old fool."

"Not to offend here, but normally you're goofing off like Gin-kun is."

"Yeah... and I wasn't goofing off just then. Oh... wait. He means that me actually taking on the duties of being a taicho instead of goofing off." Isshin waved his finger in the air. "How much longer are you going to be calling Gin-chan that?"

"Ah... yes. His promotion to captain rank is soon."

Isshin began to chat with the man, a smile on his face as he enjoyed acting like a goofball. "Better then thinking about all the bad stuff that goes on in life really." He continued to speak to the man in a convoluted manner. They each took their places at the long table. A sudden bright idea popped into his head as he saw Nanao come into the room. "Hey! Juushi-chan! Good morning too you!" He then turned to look at Aizen. "See... I don't flirt with everyone!"

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