Poisoned Thorns

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When Gin heard Isshin's voice he felt a feeling of jealousy crop up, causing him to push his lips together as well as flinch. "You know just as she said that they have no feelings for each other."

The man moved away from the roof. "Doesn't change the way I feel."

He headed back to the fifth division, his arms folded across his chest. He found himself purposefully moving about to avoid running into anyone. He arrived at the division and headed straight to his quarters without noting the sun setting and the light painting the area. He slipped straight into the room and sat down against the wall, his head looking up at the ceiling. One bony arm rested against his forehead.

Letting out a sigh he dug out a box he kept hidden in a small corner and dug out the sake bottle as well as the stuffed animal that he had planned a long time ago on giving someone. Narrowing his eyes he touched the soft texture and remembered how he hadn't ever had the chance to give this item to the person in question.

"Why did I bring this out of all things?"

"Because Rangiku brought up the fact she wants to have a family, so of course you would think about that."

He then put the stuffed animal back in its place, glad that if it was ever found it could be explained as a gift he had planned on giving Rangiku. He closed up the hidden place and opened up the bottle of sake and began to drink the contents down, sulking about how things worked out the way they were. He remembered saying something to Shinso.

"It may not be that I'm jealous of the fact they like each other because as you said I know it isn't true. I'm jealous of how they're able to interact with each other." What point he drifted off he honestly didn't know, but the alcohal made it so that he was out. It was though as if he had to get up in the morning for work as he had the day off. That was why he went to visit Rangiku. He had time off and wanted to be with her, particularly since he couldn't be with that person.

He sat up, his head hurting. He walked over the door and opened it up, blinking a couple of times as the bright light hurt his eyes. "I'm supposed to have the day off so I thought I would sleep in. What is going on?" Gin paused, realizing that the person standing in front of him was Isshin.

The look on the man's face wasn't good and it seemed as if the man had something he dreaded telling him. This was in turn confirmed by his words. "I need to talk to you about something Gin. Can we sit."

Gin's eyes opened up and the frown on his face increased. "Sure, why not. Make yourself at home. You've always been really good at doing that. The silver haired man sat down on the futon and watched as Isshin sat down. He looked up at the ceiling and didn't notice the man take something out of his sleeve.

Isshin let out a cough. "I need to show you something."

The silver haired man looked down at the bundle that the taicho of the tenth division unwrapped. Gin couldn't help but swallow upon seeing the bloody lieutenants bade that was the man's hand. He glanced away. "Why would you think I would want that?"

"Gin..." The head of the Shiba clan let out a sigh. "Ichimaru, I know that you try hiding your feelings for Rangiku, but I'm not blind to the fact the two of you care about each other."

"Didn't you send her on some mission?"

"What mission?" When Gin turned to look at the other man he saw that Isshin had a confused look on his face. "I know that you're looking for someone to blame, but the truth of the matter is I didn't send her on a mission recently. I'm guessing while I was out last night she got some kind of message and went out to try and help someone, but I'm not honestly sure."

"He didn't send her... which means." The silver haired man glanced at the ground. "Why though give this to me?"

"Gin... Rangiku is dead."

"Where is her body?" The man felt his hands tighten. "I need to bury her even if he's trying to pretend that she is dead."

"There was no body. The assumption is that the Hollow defeated the minor Shinigami that were with her and proceeded to devour her. You know that..."

"I can't believe she is dead because of this." Gin stood up. "I'm going to go and look for her. I need to find her."

"The place this was found had a bloody mess Gin. We're lucky to find this."

"Lucky because he wants me to know. I have to go looking for her even if I didn't know what I know."

"I spoke with the head captain and he's come to the agreement that since we can't find her body or spiritual pressure..."

"And the hollow?"

"They've sent some people out after it, but so far they have found nothing. We need to wait..."

"You're not one to wait for more information. I'm going to go and look for her. I have to look for her."

"I'll think up some excuse for your taicho."

"Just..." Gin paused, a frown spreading on his face. "Don't tell him that I've been told yet."

"I won't."

"Particularlysince I have the feeling he is behind this." Gin took a deep breath before slipping out of the room, the pain in his heart aching. "Of course, it could be that all my plans are ruined beyond repair. I need to try and find her. He can'thave taken her away. I kept our relationship secret. He was supposed to think we were only child hood friends or school mates, or something like that."

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