Winter Thorns

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The sound of sake cups clicked against the table as laughter filled the room. Isshin held his sake cup up to those in the room. "I propose that we start up a men's society."

Kyoraku found himself suddenly choking on his sake. "Now hold on a second. If we were to create a men's society... for which I see no reason for, we would have Nanao chewing us out for being sexist pigs again. I don't mind my cute Nanao-chan calling me a pervert, but do I look like a pig."

"But you're Bonnie-chan's great-uncle. How can you be her uncle and not look like a pig?" Kaien laughed from his brother's side while the eighth division taicho gave them a pretend look of hurt. Ukitake sat next to his best friend and covered his mouth slightly o hide his own mirth.

Isshin continued to hold his cup up to the two older taicho's. "If we formed a men's society it will give Nanao-chan an excuse to create a woman's society and my fukutaicho can have more reason to hit me over the head as Nanao-chan will have more reason to put ideas into her head."

The fukutaicho of the thirteenth division stopped laughing then. "Isshin nii-sama, you're drunk."

"Gotcha!" The tenth division taicho reached out to poke his twin brother in the shoulder. His face lost its mirth and he set the cup down. "No, seriously. My fukutaicho, your fukutaicho, our baby sis... they've all been complaining about how the men treat the women in the shinigami ranks. Nanao has been talking about forming a group, but not a group sanctioned and this would give her an intensive to create said group."

"This was Rangiku's idea, wasn't it?" Kaien leaned forward and placed a hand on his forehead. "This was their idea because she and Miyako couldn't get her to go ahead with the idea."

"Yup! It was their idea and I'm putting it forth to the two people I know can help us get this going!" Isshin's grin was wide and his arms crossed behind his head.

"Us? You're including me in this trouble, aren't you?" Kaien shook his head at his brother. "Learn to do things on your own. You are a taicho for crying out loud."

"You could be a taicho if you really wanted."

"Boys, boys... your mother wouldn't like to see the two of you arguing." Kyoraku smiled at the two. "I actually like the girls plan, particularly since Nanao's still trying to get used to her wings now that she's my fukutaicho."

"And it gives our fukutaicho more incentive to beat us up!" Isshin began to laugh again. Kaien carefully moved from the cushion he had been sitting on and picked it up with both hands. A resounding thump was heard when it made contact with the back of Isshin's head. "Ouch!"

"Seriously... you're a taicho. You're also the head of the Shiba clan. I'm also not your babysitter. I have enough problems with Ganju without you getting any crazy ideas into your head."

Isshin's head turned suddenly as he saw the rain suddenly pouring down outside. A frown crossed his face and he folded his arms across his chest. "Perhaps we should call it a night. The temperature is going to drop and Ukitake doesn't need to be out in this weather."

Kaien let out a deep sigh. "Taicho... we can try waiting until the storm is over, but that may not occur until after the bar has closed for the night and it may get colder before we get back to the division."

"And I'm going back with you!"

"What?" The fukutaicho turned to look at his twin brother. "Why?"

"It's been forever since I've shared a bed with my nii-chan!" The pillow hit the back of Isshin's head.

"I'm starting to wonder if the reason you haven't taken a wife yet is because you're not interested in the opposite sex." Kaien felt Isshin suddenly glomp him around the waist.

"But nii-sama! I don't love you like a mommy loves a daddy or a daddy loves a mommy! I just want my snuggies!"

The fukutaicho of the thirteenth division attempted to pull Isshin off, only to startle when Ukitake spoke to him. "You do realize that he does this to get a reaction from you and he knows he can get away with acting like this in front of us?"

Kaien glanced away. "Still... I'm married."

"I want snuggies from Miyako nee-chan too!" Again the pillow whacked against his brother's head while Kaien's mouth twisted up in frustration.

"Seriously... stop being so clingy!" It was then that fake snoring came from Isshin and Kaien let out a groan. "Fine... you can come stay the night with Miyako and I. Just..."

"Yay!" Isshin pushed himself up and hugged Kaien again, knocking him to the ground and causing him to let out a yelp.

Kyoraku let out a deep sigh. "You would think Kaien would learn that his older brother likes antagonizing him."

"You know I'm right here!"


When the two arrived at Kaien's place at the thirteenth division Miyako opened the door to find her husband with a sour look on his face while his brother grinned at her. Isshin then held up his thumb. "I've managed to fenagle my way into having late night tea with my beautiful sister-in-law as well as having a sleep over with two of my favorite family memembers."

"Isshin nii-sama. It is always good to see you." Miyako leaned forward and hugged the man despite the fact he was soaking wet.

"What about me?" Kaien glared at the two. "I am your husband."

The woman's response was to head over to a stack of towels and throw one at him. "You're being such a sour puss." The scowl on Kaien's face deepened and his eyebrow's lowered from frustration. Miyako leaned forward, placing a kiss on his wet cheek. "Sour pusses get kisses."

Isshin had already moved over to the center of the room and was messing with certain items. "They said yes and they think said plan should work."

"Thank you so much nii-sama!" The female clapped her hands together.

Kaien let out a deep sigh. "How come you didn't come to me for help?"

"Because sour pusses will be sour pusses and you would sour puss all over their idea because it is so radical!" A towel launched by Kaien hit him in the face and he flopped backwards onto the bamboo mats.

"I'll go and pull out an extra futon." His brother began to move to the other room.

Isshin paused, pulling the towel from his face. "Wait... there are already two futons spread out. Don't you two share a futon?"

Tension filled the room then. Kaien took a deep breath. "I'll go and get another futon."

The taicho of the tenth sat up, the towel wrapped around his shoulders. "Miyako... you and Kaien aren't having a fight."

"No... well, sort of. I think he blames himself."

Isshin glanced at the floor. "About that? Is that why he was so down lately? Kyoraku and Ukitake both noticed as well."

"It would be really nice to hear the sound of small feet around here, but it would be nicer to hear the spring back in his step. It's best that we have our tea and go straight to bed rather then having any sort of conversation right now."

The three headed back to bed. In the morning their came a knock on the door. Kaien went to get the door. "Shiba Taicho... someone is here with a message for you."

Isshin let out a sigh and scuttled over, turning his head to see that Miyako was woken up. He scratched his rear end and looked at the bundle that was in the man's hand. The person then carefully unwrapped the object. "The head taicho really needs to talk to you Shiba Taicho."

Kaien pulled short. "Isshin... I'm going with you."

Lost Child (Bleach Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora