Non Focus

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The word safe kept running through Toshiro's mind as he snuggled into the woman's arms. She eventually lay him back down so he could continue to rest and his knees pulled up to his chest as well as his arms. Absent mindlessly his thumb slipped into his mouth. "Is To-chan coming?"

The bed felt warm and the woman took the time to touch him ever so often and adjusted the bedding as he needed it. Somehow she knew what he needed and eventually he fell back to sleep. Someone else also came in and tended to him. The sound of someone's voice caused him to startle awake. "I thought you said he was coming out of the comma?"

"He did." Miyako's hands reached out to him and he could feel her hand stroking his shoulder helping him to calm down.

"That other voice is familiar." The boy simply lay on his side staring at the woman. Another person was also in the room.


"Momo, he's not..."

Toshiro felt his body suddenly seize, the palm of his hand almost hitting the woman while his body moved without his willing it. The child felt his body continue to spasm while the woman spoke in a calming voice, again lecturing the Kaien person about speaking near him.


"You can't hurry over here Momo. You have to approach him in a gentle manner and touch him gently." Miyako let out a sigh.

"But he's my little brother."

"What does the word brother mean?"

"It means that you have a connection with someone."

"I know her voice. Why?"

The sound of foot steps were heard coming closer. The woman helped him to sit up so he could see the person. His eye's widened upon seeing her, his body beginning to shake as another memory came flying back at body began to shake as he tried to force the memory away but instead it came flying back. Except this time it was as if it was happening right in front of him and he knew it was different from what he remembered.

"Shiro-chan! I came to tell you again about how amazing he is. However..." There came a pause and he thought he saw her face twist up into a cruel smile. "Aizen didn't come and save you because you aren't amazing. You're as significant as the ground people walk upon. That's why I didn't come to rescue you. You mean nothing to me."

Tears began to pour down his cheek as the image fluttered and he saw the horrified look on the girl's face. For some reason the words "I'm a monster... I'm a monster..." kept playing in the back of his head. He tried pulling away from the woman but Miyako as she called herself instead pulled him closer. "Perhaps it is best that he not see Momo just yet."

For some reason the girl in front of him was crying and his mind tried to wrap around why. The terror that racked his body though wasn't letting him think straight and he watched as someone guided her from the room. However, his line of vision didn't cover that point as he was focused on the one female. When she was gone the room stopped spinning and he noticed two other females in the room.

He felt Miyako suddenly move from simply sitting beside the bed to moving to where she sat on the bed. The woman pulled him into her arms and he found himself sitting in her lap. The arms wrapped around him as if he was in a cacoon and he burried his face into the woman's chest so that he couldn't see any of the outside stimilace. This didn't though cut off the sound.

"Unohana Taicho... what is wrong with him."

"Yes... there is something wrong with me. I am a monster."

"The poor child is terrified of something."

"But Momo's a sweetheart. We've all spoken to her and there is no reason for him to be afraid of her. Yet he reacted as if she were a monster to him much like how we would suspect him to react to males because of what happened."

"Momo's a monster?"

"I can't really explain it." These words came from the woman who had called him a poor child.

"I like her."

The woman continued to speak. "We just need to give him some time to adjust."

"Momo's not a monster."

"However, it would perhaps be a good idea to limit who has contact with him."

I am."

"There is less of a chance that there will be a negative reaction."

"I don't understand what they're talking about."

"He's reacting fine to all of us so perhaps us three?" Miyako spoke then and he found himself calming and pulling into her arms more.

"I'm also a brother whatever that means."

"He seems to like you a lot Miyako." The other woman who wasn't identified as Unohana spoke then.

"I find that I like him as well. It's hard to believe that someone would think this little angel was a monster." A hand reached up and began to stroke the back of his head, playing with his hair and continuing to cause him to calm down. The other hand began to massage his back.

"I'm not a monster?"

"No. Miyako-dono thinks you're an angel."

"Is that a good thing?" There came no answer but he had the feeling that it was a good thing as the words made him feel good. The wish though to actually understand what they were saying remained. Something also told him there was a time when he actually did understand and comprehend the conversation going on around him.

"From what I can tell he is an angel as well. What he needs is a lot of love and affection as well as time for us to understand him."

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