Calm Soul

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"Could we possibly keep him?" The idea kept running through Kaien's mind. "Someone left him here for us because they knew..." The fukutaicho of the thirteenth division brushed the thought away. He sent the note off to Unohana, blinking a couple of times as the exhaustion from not sleeping like one should started to take its toll. He instead hurried back, his mind feeling clearer then before despite the tiredness he felt.

As he worked with Miyako, taking in the bruised body of the child he spoke his mind. I know that he has someone who cares for him Miyako, but if no one steps forward. Do you think we could?"

His wife looked at him. "Please don't get your hopes up. He may not even survive. But until the time comes we can act as this little ones parents. It seems like he needs it."

Kaien watched as his wife worked at the most severe injuries and he handed her the things that she needed. A knock came at the door and he slid it open to see Unohana. The woman's hands were on her lips. "Where is this child in need of medical attention?

The male shinigami moved back from the door and allowed the taicho of the forth division to come in and sit by the small child. A frown spread across her face. "Who could do this to such a small thing? Why would they do it? And..." The woman paused before reaching her hand out. After letting it remain for a bit. "I will get started right away. As soon as the rain clears up I would like to transfer him though to my division as I should have him stabalized."

"Of course."

Upon hearing the excitement in his voice Unohana looked up at him while she worked. "You seem quite excited for some reason."

Kaien flinched and went silent. Miyako let out a chuckle, her hand touching her mouth. "My husband is excited about the child showing up at our door, considering the fact we have been trying to have children and not being successful."

Unohana frowned, her eyes narrowing. "I will discuss that with the two of you once we get him transferred to my division. Shiba Fukutaicho... could you please give Ukitake Taicho news about what is going on and that you will both be accompanying me to the forth with the child."

"Yes mam." The boy stood up and hurried to his captain's quarters, kneeling at the door and rapping his knuckles against the door. Ukitake's voice came from inside inviting him in and Kaien slid the door open.

"What news do you have for me?"

"Someone left a child outside of Miyako and my quarters. We sent for Unohana and she said to let you know that we would be accompanying her and the child to the forth division."

Ukitake stared at him from his bed but then spoke up again. Taking a deep breath he spoke his mind. "The child has injuries that bad."

The smile on Kaien's face broke. "Yes... but Unohana is taking care of him."

"You've taken an interest in this child I take it?" The taicho of the thirteenth of the division frowned. "Don't you find it strange that someone dropped a child off like that Kaien?" Ukitake watched as the young man opened his mouth, letting it remain that way for a bit of time, before snapping it shut. "So you are fully aware that this is strange."

"You aren't going to get the forty-six involved are you? I mean..." The fukutaicho shook his head. "Actually... I don't know why I thought they would get involved. You aren't going to make a big deal of this to the other taicho? I mean, I understand telling nii-sama as he is Miyako and my relation, but does anyone else have to know?"

"I don't know. I think the head captain will likely know and I am likely to let Kyoraku know, but I don't see why any of the other taicho outside of those mentioned should know the full details. As far as anyone is concerned the boy is a child you and Miyako found in need of help. I'll be coming to the forth division to discuss this child with the parties already involved. When you get to forth you should send a message to Isshin."

"Yes sir." Kaien bowed quickly and shut the door without noticing the agitated look on Ukitake's face. He instead slipped away to the quarters he shared with Miyako while they waited for the time to transport the child to the forth division.


Kaien watched as the child was placed into one of the small recovery rooms upstairs. Isane had come when sh was notified to help move the child and was now working on covering the window to the room. "I can't believe this room is so cold. If need be we'll try another."

Unohana simply went and sat by the child and the temperature. "Isane... why don't you have a heater brought in here along with bowls of water. The heater will help keep the room warm, but the water can be used to wet towels to cool the child's fever. Be sure to put the heater by the window."

"Normally it isn't cold this time of year." Kaien went and stood in the corner. "What is with this weather?"

"We were going to discuss the child and the fact someone left him for you to find."

Kaien felt his throat tighten. Letting out a deep sigh he glanced at the door. "Could this at least wait until my taicho and nii-sama get here. This way we can avoid repeating things we don't need to."

The young fukutaicho watched as his wife slid into a chair and nodded off. To his surprise Unoahana changed the subject. "Have you and your wife been sleeping?"


"Get yourself a chair and I'll let you know when they get here."

Letting out a sigh of frustration Kaien went to another room and pulled the chair in. He found himself being nudged away in time to look up at his brother with a concerned look on his face. When the younger twin responded a grin spread across Isshin's face. "I heard you had an unexpected delivery."

Kaien looked over at the child and noted that he was still far from recovering. "Someone just left him there for us to find."

"Shouldn't we be trying to find this child's family." Ukitake sat in another chair, his arms folded.

Kyoraku seemed to be napping but suddenly spoke in a quick manner. "Yes... well, whoever left him didn't want to be seen. They may not want anyone to know who this child's parents are and decided to leave him in a safe place and with someone they knew would take care of him."

"Yes... but they could have left him many other places." Miyako frowned from where she was. "They could have left the child anywhere, but it's almost as if they know Kaien and I haven't been able to have children. Who all knows that?"

Isshin's breath stopped short. "No one outside of the family."

Ukitake shook his head. "No. I think quite a few people have figured it out but have been polite enough to say nothing as they know that Kaien and Miyako haven't brought it up personally. It means it is a sensitive subject for you two still."

"Ah... well, never mind." A grin spread across the tenth division taicho's face.

"What do you mean never mind?" Kaien walked up to his brother and began to rub his knuckles into the sides of his brother's head. "You..."

"Kaien..." Miyako's voice caused him to turn to look at the child who had begun to whimper at the loud noise. "I don't think that is a good idea."

Isshin blinked a couple of times. "Yeah... we should take this else where. My medical expertise says that the child's got some major issues going on, what with those injuries."

"Can't believe an adult would do that to a child."

"I can't believe you and Miyako went all the way to Unohana for help when I have good medical expertise as well and..."

"Can it..." Kaien closed his eyes, letting the tiredness take over and hoping his brother wouldn't be a major pester.

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