Non Existence

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"I really can't explain it." There came a pause in what Unohana had to say before she continued to speak. "We just need to give him some time to adjust. However, it perhaps would be a good idea to limit who has contact with him as there is less of a chance there will be a negative reaction." After Miyako spoke Unohana noted something. "He seems to like you a lot Miyako."

"I like him as well." Eventually the child dozed off and Miyako took the time to tuck him into the bedding, a smile spreading across her face. "What should our first step to getting him better be?"

"We really need to start by working on his ability to move and building up his physical strength. We also need to work with him on eating so that he maintains his health." The woman slipped from the room.

Eventually the child woke again and Unohana brought back a trey of food and set it onto the table. Miyako helped the boy up and began to spoon feed the rice porridge into the boy's mouth. The boy at first kept his mouth shut, not wishing to open his mouth but a soft humming sound of a lullaby caused him to open his mouth.

The woman watched as Toshiro's eyes widened from eating the food and his small tongue lapped out allowing her to put another spoonful into his mouth. Some of the food spilled out but his mouth finally began to move the way he wanted. She stopped finally when she felt that he had enough and the boy's mouth twisted up into a pout.

Lying him back down into the bed she shook her head. "It's been awhile since you've physically eaten. You need to take it slowly. If you're good you'll get a treat. If you don't eat like you should it means yucky medicine and I don't want to give you yucky medicine."

Slowly then began the process of building the child's muscle strength and after a few days he could move slightly on his own but not pick up his own spoon to feed himself. Instead the boy pushed the spoon around on the trey watching as it moved, slowly changing the position of things by nudging them back and forth.

Miyako frowned as she watched the child, her head moving up as Unohana came into the room. "He's not acting like a normal child."

"No, he isn't." The woman folded her arms. "I'll bring something after you feed him. I want to see how he reacts to the item."

The third seat of the thirteenth division took away the spoon, causing the boy to give her a horrified look. This lasted until the spoon was filled with food and he reacted by opening his mouth. After he finished eating she took the trey away, his small hand reaching out to touch the items. Unohana came in then with a new trey.

"I think you'll like these better." The woman set down the trey.

Miyako blinked a couple of times. "Toy blocks?"

Unohana went and sat in the other chair. "Why don't you watch what he does with them?"

Miyako watched as Toshiro pushed the blocks around on the trey much as he had done with the items on his food trey, but then he blinked a couple of times and began to organize the blocks in different manners, pushing them around but not building anything with the shapes. "I'm honestly not understanding the point of this."

"It is a way of figuring out how his mind works without us telling us how he himself thinks." Unohana turned her head as Isane came in with a trey of tea. Upon her entry the boy's head darted up, his hands reaching for the new item.

"It is hot Toshiro." Miyako took her own tea. "You can have some of mine when it has cooled a bit."

The boy frowned, but then went back to pushing the blocks. Isane went over to see what he was doing. "That's a face with a frown."

Miyako got up, setting her tea on the night stand. "Toshiro... can you make other pictures." The boy blinked a couple of times before arranging the blocks in an odd shape. A smile spread across his face as he pointed to the blocks. The woman frowned, shaking her head. "Gomenasai. I can't figure out what that is."

She watched as the boy frowned. He began to move to of the small blocks. Unohana stood up and looked at the item in question. "Is the thing your talking about an animal?"

The boy paused, a rather surprised look on his face. His eyes began to dart around as if he was looking for something but then his head darted back to the trey. Instead of giving an answer he began to move the blocks around again. Isane smiled. "Ahh... I know what that is. It is a flower."

Miyako paused. "Perhaps the blocks aren't good enough for him to illustrate what he wants us to see?'

"I'd give him paper to draw on but he's struggling with picking up items so he wouldn't be able to pick up a pen or pencil. I'll try to think of an alternative though.

It was then that the women noticed the child's hand reaching for the cup. The third seat reached out to stop him. "Toshiro! No!"

The sudden sound of the glass crashing onto the floor occurred as the child's hand bumped into the cup. The next thing they knew the boy was moving away from the sound, the trey of blocks scattering across the bed. Miyako hurried over to the other side of the bed and pulled the boy into her arms. "Hey... it's all right. I told you. You are safe. You're not in trouble. I just don't want you to get hurt, all right."

The trembling stopped and she pulled the boy into her arms. She began to sing a soft song and stroke his head. "How long till Momo-chan can see him? It's rather sad that the two siblings have to be apart?"

"I don't know. We could try in a few days I think, but the reaction may not be a good one."

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