Bruised Esteme

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Leaving the child on the wooden step hurt as much as the idea of Rangiku dying. The only consolation was the fact his zampaktuo honestly tried to cheer him up. "At least you know he's with people who will take care of him, so honestly don't worry about the fact you can't hold onto him. Because that's what you're really upset about, the fact you can't hold them and keep your family close. That is the price you have to pay."

The man simply went back to the fifth and at first tried heading back to his quarters only to stop short. Instead he turned on his heals and headed to the fifth division to see that Aizen was sitting at his desk. He leaned up against the wall, that fake smile of his spreading across his face. "Why?"

"What do you mean why?"

"Why did you kidnap Ran-chan?"

"Matsumoto Rangiku is dead Gin-kun." The man continued to work away at the paperwork.

"I can't wait until I'm promoted to the captain of the third division as I won't have to deal with him as much." The man folded his arms across his chest. "I went after the Hollow that supposedly killed Ran-chan."


"It clearly said that it wasn't it."

"Oh... what do you mean it said it wasn't it."

"It only ate four before the one I rescued and not five. It remembered the number because it was very hungry before you let it lose. It was another one of your experiments... one that you gave your power too."

The man looked at him. "Well... you found out like I expected you too. I have her in a secure location and she'll be safe as long as you play nicely."

"So... you don't trust me?"

"No... I actually expect you to have second thoughts about what you're doing simply because she exists so I moved her existence to a position where you will comply no matter what."

"What... you going to kill her if I don't play nicely?"

"Gin... there are so many other things I can do to her without killing her. Of course, I wouldn't expect you of all people to understand them but they involve leaving her mentally scarred for life and a very, very changed person. And even if you do play nicely I might just do some of them for the fun of it. Your friend is very pretty."

Gin swallowed. "I'll take my leave now." He turned and paused in the doorway. "Did you make this move because I'm going to be the taicho of the third."

"Of course."

The silver haired man slipped out of the room and headed to his room, collapsing onto the futon and cover his head. Shiso of course spoke to him. "If you hadn't learned a long time ago to supress your emotions you would be bawling right about now."

"I would not." The man dozed off for a few minutes but awoke again and turned his head to the small hiding spot. Pulling it open he looked at the small teddy bear, his mind thinking of the small child. "I may end up losing him .If I do..."

"If you do you would be going berserk and not caring whether you were able to take down Aizen or not. You listen to me right here. Aizen thinks he's sealed your heart away but what he doesn't realize is that yours and Rangiku's child is your heart. Use it to your advantage. This is otherwise a very good plan and you should stick to it."

Gin let out a deep breath and closed the small door. Standing up he headed back to where he had left the child. Kaien and Miyako's reiatsu was faint as was the boy's meaning they had gone to the forth division. He set the bear down where one of them would find it and then slipped away, receiving a lecture from his zampaktuo about giving the secret away.

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