Bruised Ego

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Momo was nervous as she followed behind the taicho of the forth division. "Am I nervous because she is a captain or am I nervous because I'm worried about seeing Toshiro again." Then... "I think it is both. … Se is amazing. …. Aren't all taicho are amazing? … I don't know... I mean... Aizen and his fukutaicho are both pretty amazing. I don't think it is possible to have two people be that amazing. … But you don't know unless you try. … "

"Plus... she's the reason Shiro-chan is alive." Momo's hand twitched, stopping short when Unohana motioned them to stay outside of the door. The woman stepped in to speak with someone.

The door opened eventually and a rather stern looking young man looked out at them with a frown on his face. The stern look disappeared temporarily upon seeing one of her male companions. "Izuru... you've grown quite a bit since I last saw you."

The man then turned his head to look at the girl, examining her as he did causing Momo's trembling to return. The man then looked inside the room frowning. "You can peek in to see if it is your brother."

The small female found herself creeping forward to peek in. Her eyes suddenly widened in horror. "Shiro-chan!"

Her voice suddenly caused the small body in the big bed to seize. Miyako and Unohana both moved to settle the child down. Momo also made to move to her brother's side. The man who knew Izuru's name thought was watching and suddenly snapped his head her way. With a dept movement he scooped her up and with his foot closed the door with another swift movement. "No. This way."

Momo's arms flailed as she tried to reach for her small brother and she struggled to get loose. The man though didn't put her down until they arrived in a conference room. He then pulled a chair out from the table. "Sit and calm down. You two sit as well. I'll go and get some tea from the kitchens to calm her down."

The girl found herself sobbing, the tears falling onto her small hands. Eventually the sound of the door slid open and a trey was sat down. The man then took a seat in a rough manner, sitting in a fashion so unlike most of the noble families. Renji stood, the corner of his mouth twitching from irritation and his arms crossed across his chest.

The small female's sobs finally calmed down and the man spoke in a rather candid manner. "So... do you understand why you couldn't sense your little brother's reiatsu?"

Momo began to choke again and suddenly she burst into tears. "I didn't know! I didn't mean to not be able to find them."

Renji's voice rose then. "Look... I put up with you hauling Momo away from her little brother, but this? That was absolutely uncalled for! I know you probably think she should have been there, protecting her little brother but..."

Izuru suddenly grabbed his friends arm. "Are you an idiot! He's a member of the Shiba clan!"

"So he's some stuck up noble! I was able to wipe the floor with you during sword play. I can easily..."

"No you idiot! The Shiba clan's different then the other noble families!"

Kaien looked at the young man with irritation, his arms crossing. He turned his head towards Momo. "You grew up in the Rukongai? What district?"

The small female hiccuped out the answer. She then sobbed out more words. "I wouldn't have gone to the academy if I know this would have happened. Honest!"

Renji pushed Izuru way. "Would you just stop tormenting her already!"

The blond let out a sigh. "Renji... he is one of the five noble clans."

The member of the Shiba clan in question ignored the two males. "You know... in the same regard you feel it's your fault this happened to your brother we of the Shiba clan should also feel it is our fault as well. There is no point in beating yourself up about it."

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