Hurt Soul

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Kaien and Miyako made the decision to stay with the child allowing the forth division members to tend to other tasks. The man startled awake by the sudden sound of someone thrashing about and opened his eyes to see the small child thrashing about in a feverish state. Taking a deep breath he pushed himself away from his chair and walked over to the child, grabbing the boy's shoulders to try and calm him down.

Instead he received a swift kick in the stomach causing him to let out a groan. He made to ignore the fact the child was attacking him only to have Miyako touch his arm. Kaien pulled back and looked at her face. "Let me try."

Stepping back he watched as the female stepped forward and sat carefully on the edge of the bed. The first thing she worked on doing was pulling the covers away from the boy. She then began to hum softly as the child continued to thrash before carefully reaching out to touch the child's head. At first the child flinched, but eventually he calmed down.

Kaien sat down. "You are wonderful with children Miyako." A thought of course crossed his mind. "I wish we could have children as it would make you so happy to have a child to love."

"You're good with children as well."

"No... you did much better in this situation."

"Well... that may be for this particular case that you're male." Miyako turned to him, her eyes filled with sadness. "Kaien... would it be more likely for a male to have beaten the child up like this or a female?"

The man let out a sigh as he leaned forward. "It would be more likely to be a male. Actually, it would be more likely to be a bunch of males rather then just one."

Miyako carefully brushed her hand across the child's hair. "I wonder what color his eyes are."

"They're a beautiful blue-green color, almost like the sea." Kaien leaned forward into the palms of his hand. "In some ways I want to find out who he is, but in some ways... it's not just because I hope that he could end up being our child Miyako. I saw those bruises as you were working with him. My brothers and I have bruised ourselves up in our tussles with each other, but never like that."

"You've found a new person to protect. It's as simple as that." A smile spread across her face. "You know. That's what I've always liked about you. You love protecting people who need to be protecting and helping those who need helping. In the long run you fight the good fight every time you pick up your blade and it's always an issue of honor for you."

"I'm honestly wanting to beat the crap out of whoever did this to him as well, but I also want to hope there would be no point in doing that as he is in our protection." The man let out a sigh and looked at the ceiling. "Do you need anything Miyako?'

'How about a change of clothes. Could you possibly see if Ukitake has any candy to spare for when the child wakes up? I mean... it would be wonderful to have something to make the child feel comfortable."

"Yeah... sure." Kaien stood up. "If what we think is true I think I need to worry about whether or not I'll have to step out of the room."


Kaien walked to the division with his hands behind his back, glad that the weather had cleared up and hoping the child would wake soon. He went straight to his and Miyako's place meaning to grab change of uniforms for both of them. He paused upon arriving at the door, noticing a small item sitting up against the door as if it had been placed their waiting for them.

Stepping forward and crouching down onto his knees he found himself looking at the item. Letting out a deep breath he picked up the stuffed bear and placed it under his arm and then stood up and headed into his quarters. He slid over to the drawers and grabbed a uniform for for him and his wife each. He paused though and took a look at the toy before placing it under his arm again and heading to see his taicho.

This time he didn't bother to knock on the door as he could sense how the man was feeling and slid the door open. "Yo!"

Ukitake looked up from what he was doing. "How is the boy doing?"

"He still hasn't waken up. Miyako's wondering if you have any candy to spare that we can give him when he wakes up. All little kids like candy, don't they?" Kaien kept his mood up beat.

"Well... yes. But some children are very particular about the kind of candy they will eat."

"I think finding out what he likes and dislikes will be fun." The man paused. "Hey... taicho... you wouldn't have left a stuffed toy outside of our door."

"No." Ukitake frowned. "Kaien... why do I have the feeling that someone who cares about that child is the one who left him there for you to find?"

"I have that feeling to do. Since that person trusted us with the boy it's Miyako and my job to see that the child is taken care of." The man knelt down to pick up the candy that Ukitake had pulled out. He pulled short. "You know... I think that's why he or she picked us. I mean, there is the fact that Miyako and I haven't been able to have children but there is the fact this person knows we would be able to take care of him."

"That's what's odd about this. This means to me at least that the person knows you and Miyako personally, but everyone I know has no reason to give up a child. Unless of course they just found the child, but then why not take them to forth or have come forward."

"I'm going to choose not to worry about it." Kaien moved to the door. As he slid the door shut he said something else to his taicho. "It means that someone we know has a secret that they can't share with us." A sudden laugh came to his mind. "You know... if I didn't know by brother better I'd assumed he had an affair with a woman, had a child out of wedlock and then found the child was in need and passed him onto us. Thing is the child doesn't look anything like nii-sama and I think he would be upfront about something like that with me."

"I doubt Isshin has ever seen a woman naked." Ukitake pause.

"I thought that was the reason he was banned from the forth."

"You mean because he's a pervert?"

"No. Because he can't look at a female patient's personal parts when he needs too." Kaien slipped back through the door.

The man headed back to the forth division, humming as he walked along.


Kaien arrived at the forth division and slid the door open. Miyako looked up. "I see you were able to get the candy as well."

Her husband slid the door closed. "Someone dropped something off for the boy."

The girl blinked a couple of times. "What do you mean?"

The fukutaicho of the thirteenth division walked over to the third seat and handed her the small stuffed animal. "This was right outside of our door."

Miyako took the stuffed animal. "This looks so new... and it's not something out in the Rukongai could afford. And yet..."

"We're quite sure that the boy is from the Rukongai." Kaien went and sat down in the chair he had been sitting in. "The situation is honestly strange."

"Why do I have the feeling you already have an idea of what is going on?" The female pulled the stuffed animal close to her chest. "Should we give this to him when he wakes?"

"First... I don't know what is going on. I'm not sure if I really want to. Second, I think we should hold off giving it to him. If we just give it to him he'll think it is something from us and I really... that just doesn't seem right for some reason. Plus... there is no telling where it came from, or who the person who left them is. I need some time to think."

"I'll put it aside then." The woman frowned. "Kaien... you do understand that despite the fact someone... who we do believe loved him enough to place him in our care... left him with us... there might be other people who care for him. They might have left him with us so we can get him back to his real family."

Kaien paused and then scratched his head. "No... you're probably right despite the fact I don't want to believe it.

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