There For You

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Warnings: None

Word Count: 1702

Author's Note: This is the first part of a three part miniseries!

Bzzt. Bzzt.

You rolled over and pulled the cover up further around your head, hoping to help drown out some of the noise.

Bzzt. Bzzt.

Really, who had the nerve to call you at two in the morning? Sure, you had the tendency to stay up late now and again, but that didn't give anyone the right to call you at any given hour.

Bzzt. Bzzt.


Bzzt. Bzzt.

Your hand shot over to your night table so fast that you almost knocked over the bottle of water that you always kept there. You were answering the call before you even had a chance to double check who it was.


"You're awake?"

"Of course I am." He didn't need to know the truth.

"Normally I would say you should be sleeping, but I can't tell you how happy I am that you aren't."

"What's going on?"

You heard Tyler clear his throat before speaking, "I was, um, looking at... stuff."

You already knew exactly where this was going.

"And I came across this interview that, uh, my ex did with a magazine a couple days ago."

You made a noise to show that you were still listening.

"She said that she doesn't want to get back with me and she's glad that things ended," he sniffled.

"Oh, Tyler. Do you need me to come over?"

"No, I'll be ok. Really. But I'd like to see you tomorrow."

"Ok, I don't have anything going on."

"Great. Just come over whenever you want."

"Will do. And call me if things get bad, ok? Even if I'm asleep."




"Get some sleep, Ty."

"I'll try."

You hung up the call and set an alarm for early the next morning. There were a million ideas for cheering Tyler up that were already running through your head, and it was going to take time to do all of them.

You arrived at Tyler's house at eight the next morning, armed with pancake batter, coffee from his favorite café, and your dog. He looked like a bit of a mess with the bags under his eyes, messy hair, and dirty pajamas, but his face still lit up when he saw you.

"Look at all this," he smiled, bending down to pet Rocket. "You didn't have to do this."

"Anything for my best friend," you smiled.

He opened the door wider, inviting you inside. You let Rocket off of his leash and then made a beeline for the kitchen so that you could start making him breakfast. Tyler walked over and took a seat at the counter.

"You don't mind if I take over the kitchen, do you?" you asked.

"Not at all if it means you're making me breakfast," he smiled.

Tyler Joseph x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now