There For You: Part Two

969 40 250

Warnings: None

Word Count: 1615

"She what?"

"She called me! She wants to talk. I can't believe it, Y/N. Maybe she wants to get back together, do you think?"

"I wouldn't get your hopes up, Ty. I just don't want to see you get hurt again. Things have been really good for the last few weeks."

"I know, I know, you're right. Still, though, there's obviously something important she wants to talk about. I'm meeting her for lunch on Saturday."

"I thought we were getting lunch on Saturday?"

"Oh man, you're right. Do you mind if we push it back to dinner? You know this is important."

You could feel your stomach sinking, "I can't. I'm meeting friends for drinks."

"Rain check, then? You know I hate to cancel on you, Y/N, but I'm sure you understand."

You bit down on your lip, "Yeah, a rain check is fine. Just don't forget about it."

Tyler laughed, even though you had only half meant it as a joke. As much as you wanted to be excited for him possibly getting back with his ex, you couldn't find it within you. When he was dating someone, his time immediately become a 70/30 split. Not to mention your feelings had only grown stronger since the hand holding incident.

Maybe you had been reading too much into it. After all, he was going through a breakup and he was probably pretending you were his ex the entire time. It was stupid of you to even get your hopes up in the first place. Even if he did have feelings for you, you didn't want to be the rebound.

"Alright, I'll call you after I meet up with her to let you know how it goes."

"Please do," you said, trying to sound excited.

"Bye, Y/N."

"Later, Ty."

You hung up the call and immediately buried your face into your hands. Just when you thought something was going to happen between you and Tyler, she came in and ruined it all.

All you could do was wait and see what happened.

Your stomach had been upset all day. Today was the day that Tyler and his ex were meeting up, and you had spent the entire morning running over every possible outcome. Rocket had sensed your distress and had been following you around, resting his head on you at every moment that he could.

You were anxiously awaiting Tyler's call so that you would know what happened. No matter what it was, it would be better than worrying about all the possibilities. Today had the potential to be one of the best or one of the worst days of your life.

You practically jumped when your phone began to ring. Tyler's contact photo was on your screen so you hit the green call button without a second thought.


"Woah, that was fast," he laughed. "I'm still walking to my car."

Walking to his car alone, that was a good sign.

"I was already on my phone. My finger only had to move a couple centimeters," you lied with a laugh.

"Alright, let me get in my car and then I'll give you the full rundown."


Your hands were shaking as you walked over to the couch and wrapped yourself in a blanket. Rocket came over and laid down next to you, resting half of his body on your legs.

Tyler Joseph x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin