Call It Off

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Warnings: Angst

Word Count: 2910

"I can't do this anymore," you sighed as you rubbed at your temple. Tears were still streaming down your face, clouding your vision. "I really tried, Tyler. I love you, but I just can't do this."

"Y/N, please, we can work something out."

He reached forward, but his fingertips had barely grazed your arm before you pulled away from his touch.

"Please," you muttered. Your voice was hardly more than a whisper. "Don't."

Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked down at the gold-lined envelope. There was no return address on the front and it was a rare occurrence that someone sent you a letter. You stuck a thumb under the flap and hastily ripped it open, not caring if the envelope was destroyed in the process.

A small piece of cardstock was inside the envelope, lined in the same gold foil as the envelope. There was a bad feeling in your stomach as you flipped over the card and began to read the writing on it.

"No," you gasped. "That can't be right."

You reached for your phone and immediately dialed your best friend's number. Tears were already beginning to pool in your eyes and you weren't so sure that you would actually be able to get words out if your friend picked up.

"What do you want?" he answered.

"Tyler's getting married," you blurted.

"Come again?"

"Tyler," you drew in a shaky breath.

"What about him?"

"He's getting married."

"To who?"

"I don't know. Some girl, I don't recognize the name."

"When is it?"

"Um," you wiped away a fallen tear so that you could read the invitation a little better. "Next Saturday."

"Next Saturday? And you just got the invitation?"

"I don't know, Zane, alright?" you huffed. The questions were getting tiring, all you wanted him to do was shut up and listen right now. "I'm just as confused as you are."

"Y/N, you know you can't go to that wedding."

"I have to. I have to see him one last time."

"No, you don't. You're finally moving past the breakup after years. Are you really going to risk all of that healing just to see him one last time?"

"I have to," you repeated before ending the call.

You picked up the invitation and ran your finger along the edge as tears once again began to cloud your vision. It was supposed to be your name on the invitation next to Tyler's, not this random girl's. That had been the plan: finish the tour, get married, start the next album.

Then you had let your emotions get the best of you.

You watched as another formally-dressed couple walked behind your car, completely unaware of you sitting frozen in the driver's seat. The car had been off for close to twenty minutes now, but you had still yet to open the door. Every time you reached for the handle, you hesitated.

Just as you were about to work up the courage to try again, your phone began to ring. Zane was requesting to FaceTime you and you knew exactly what his reasoning was. He wouldn't be happy if he saw you all dressed up for the wedding. You held a finger over the camera and answered the call.

Tyler Joseph x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now