Chapter 4

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"Where's your driver's license?"

"Um, right here..." I start to dig in my little handbag, even though I don't have a driver's license. "Huh, that's weird. It was here like 20 minutes ago!" I lie. The cop gives me a look and tells me that I'm arrested. Fucking cops! I look over at Jason who is sitting on the ground looking like he's trying to catch a butterfly that isn't there.

Danielle's POV

"I can't believe she would do that...God I'm so sorry!" I groan and apologize for the 100th time. Justin shakes his head.

"It's okay, stop saying you're sorry. I think I should say I'm sorry..."

I raise my eyebrows. "Why?"

"Because I have no idea where we are..."

I stop dead in my tracks and stare at him. "But you said you knew where to go."

"I thought I did!" Justin quickly says. "But everything looks the same here."

We're on a road in the middle of nowhere. There's no signs that can tell us where we are and there's no signal, so we can't call anyone.

"Ah, damn." I mumble. "Should we walk back?"

"It's better if we just keep going. I mean this road has to lead somewhere, right?"

I nod. "Yeah, okay."

So we keep walking. After 30 minutes or so my feet are hurting and I'm freezing to death. I pick up my phone for the 100th time to check if there's any signal.


"Seriously!" I groan.

"Here, let me try." Justin grabs my phone and holds it up as high as he can.

I fight a smile. "How are you supposed to be able to call anyone if it's up there?"

"Never say never, okay?"

I shake my head but I don't say anything. Instead I start walking again. I make sure to walk slowly, I don't want to loose Justin out here in the darkness.

I look up at the dark purple night sky. The stars are starting to fade away slightly as the night is coming to an end. Soon the sun will set and colour the sky orange, pink and yellow.

"Aha!" Justin yells out in victory.

I turn around to look at him. "No way. Did it work?"

He grins widly, still with the phone in the air. "I told you. You just gotta believe.

"Try to call Liam but I don't know what you should tell him. We're in the middle of the woods and there's no sign or anything." I look around to make sure but all I see is darkness. Suddenly I spot two moving lights on the road ahead of us, coming closer by the second. It doesn't take long until the car stops in front of me and Justin.

A tall woman with wild red hair steps out of the car. "Do you guys need a lift?"

"Yes!" I yell out, a bit too excited. "I mean, yes. Please."


We step out of the car outside of my house. "Thank you so much."

The woman who's name is Ashley, smiles. "No problem, dear. Stay out of trouble, okay?"

I nod and we say our goodbyes. As Justin and I watch her car drive away my phone starts buzzing in my pocket. I pick it up and answers.

"Danielle speaking."

"Hi! Dani!" It's Natalie. "We need your help."

"Oh really? Well sorry, Justin and I just got home. We spent the night on road, God knows where, and we need to sleep so I'm afraid you'll have to fix this yourself!" I'm just about to hang up when Natalie's voice interrupts.

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