Chapter 17

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When Misa woke up the next morning, it was with the feeling that she'd had the weirdest dream. She'd dreamt that she had been at Rinnie's wedding and Kyuhyun and her oppas had also been there, singing. In the dream they hadn't been mad at her anymore; in fact, Kyuhyun had kissed her

Pressing her fingers against her lips, Misa thought back to her dream, to the exact moment Kyuhyun had kissed her. It'd felt so real: his lips, soft and moving against hers, his hands gentle against her face; she could remember the exact moment her knees had failed and buckled under her.

She smiled, softly at the dream, wanting to hold onto it. "Weird!" she whispered to herself, sitting up and stretching. She felt something fall off of her shoulders and turned, only to find a black tuxedo jacket crumpled in a heap next to her. Curiously, she picked it up and examined it, bringing it closer. She caught the scent of a familiar cologne and her eyes widened with recognition.


The jacket dropped from her hands as she quickly stood from her bed. One look into her full-length mirror confirmed her suspicions: she was still in her bridesmaid dress, which meant her dream hadn't been a dream at all!

"That kiss was real!" Misa whispered to herself, shocked. She fell silent, her thoughts racing back to the night before. A thought suddenly hit her. "Then, that means, everything else that happened..." she trailed off, glancing once more at the jacket. She quickly picked it up and rushed out of her bedroom.

Kyuhyun waiting for after the reception, him giving her his jacket, the car ride home, everything had been real!

As she expected, the house was quiet, her parents long gone to the bakery. She walked into the kitchen with the full intent of going to her car, when something right outside the sliding doors that led to the backyard caught her eye. Someone was sitting on one of the patio chairs, relaxing.

Misa quietly approached the figure and slowly slid the door open. At the sound of the door, the figure turned, making her gasp. "Kyuhyun?" she exclaimed, stepping out onto the deck.

He brightly smiled at her. "Good morning, angel!" he greeted, getting to his feet. Like her, he was still in last night's outfit, though his cummerbund and bowtie had been removed. The first two buttons of his white dress shirt were unbuttoned and the tails were untucked and wrinkled.

She stared at him, puzzled. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"Waiting for you to get up, sleepyhead." He pointed to his watch, which read eleven-thirty in the morning.

She shook her head. "No, I mean what are you doing here?" she clarified, pointing down to the deck.

"It was pretty late when I brought you home," Kyuhyun explained, shrugging. "I think your appa was still up, waiting for you when I brought you to the door. He insisted I stay the night so I wouldn't run the risk of dozing off while driving."

"You slept here?" she asked.

He nodded. "Your couch is quite comfortable," he said, smiling.

"Oh," was all she could think of to say. He'd carried her to the door? She didn't remember falling asleep! As if in distraction, she suddenly remembered his jacket and pushed it into his hands. "Thanks for the jacket," she said, a bit awkwardly. "And, for bringing me home." The thought of him carrying her to the door made her want to blush.

"Anything for you, angel," he told her, softly.

She felt her heart leap at his words, but forced herself to calm down. "How do you do that?" she muttered, shaking her head before heading back inside.

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