Chapter 10

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Weeks passed, and Kyuhyun continued to get up in the morning, day after day, even though he really didn't want to. But, just as Leeteuk had promised, the ache in his heart was beginning to pass. It didn't hurt quite as much as it did before, but it was there whenever he thought about Misa. And, if he was really honest with himself, he would admit that his thoughts about her still took up most of his free time when he had it.

He knew he should just try to move on, but there was something bugging him about the way Misa had broken up with him that made him hesitate; he just couldn't put his finger on it quite yet. Her tears had been too sad, if that was possible during a break-up. He just couldn't explain it, but he got the impression that Misa hadn't really wanted to break-up with him.

Or was that just wishful thinking?

It'd been extremely hard performing in China and the other shows that followed. His heart was still broken and just starting to mend, but he didn't want to let down his hyungs or the fans. Both were the reason he even had a chance at what he loved doing the most; he truly owed them to give everything his best.

In an attempt to make him feel better, in a conversation with Heechul in between traveling, his hyung had compared his heartbreak to his accident two years ago. "If you can survive something as horrible as that," Heechul had reasoned, "then this thing with Misa? Piece of cake!" He'd snapped his fingers in emphasis.

Kyuhyun had laughed then, but he'd silently disagreed. With his car accident, all of his injuries had been physical, easy to see or touch. With Misa, it wasn't tangible, but pure emotion. That, he thought to himself, was way harder to heal from.

The rest of the concerts for the Super Show II came and went, with Kyuhyun laughing and smiling on stage with his hyungs, performing with all his heart, reveling in the screams of the fans, their smiling faces surrounding him with love. It had been worth all the tears he'd shed, all the nights of exhaustion he'd endured.

But, when it was all said and done, all he really wanted was to see one particular smiling face, one particular pair of brown eyes that gazed at him and him alone, filled with love and laughter.

And that made him ache all over again.


"Hey, Kyu!" Sungmin called from the living room. "Kyuhyun!"

The magnae, who'd been in their room playing yet another session of Star Craft, yelled back, "Yeah?!" He paused his game, slightly annoyed at being interrupted at such a crucial part.

He heard Sungmin laugh. "Come here!" he sang, cutely.

"Aish!" Kyuhyun muttered, saving his game and turning down the volume on the speakers. He stood from his chair and quickly made his way to the living room.

Sungmin and their other dorm members were there, some seated on the couch, the others standing. They were all putting on their shoes and grabbing their jackets.

"What's going on?" Kyuhyun asked, confusedly.

"We're meeting for dinner," Sungmin answered, turning towards him. "Manager-hyung is meeting us at the restaurant."

"Oh," Kyuhyun said, feeling a bit stupid at being the last to know. "Is it a meeting or something?" He caught the pair of sneakers Ryeowook threw at him, then sat on the floor to slip them on.

Eunhyuk shook his head. "More of a celebration of the end of our activities for the summer," he answered. He began to put on his jacket, then thought better of it. "It's summer," he explained to Ryeowook when the latter gave him a questioning look.

Kyuhyun continued to tie his shoelaces, then stood up when he was done. "Let me just get a jacket and we can go," he told the others. They all nodded, patiently, which annoyed the magna, but he said nothing.

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