Chapter 3

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Evening began to creep across the Seoul skyline, bringing the busy hum of daylight to a slow stop. Families were being reunited, stores were shutting down, and others rushed home for well-deserved rests from the workday.

Misa paused in her chore of wiping down the tables in the dining room of the bakery, and glanced out the window. A few cars rolled by, their tires crunching the gravel beneath them, then disappeared down the street. She waved as several people passed by the windows, then returned to her chore.

Kyuhyun had called her about an hour ago, telling her he would be late in picking up the cake he'd ordered for Leeteuk and Heechul's birthdays. Rehearsals had gone over and he was now just leaving for the dorm to change.

"Can you wait for me?" he'd asked, after asking what time the bakery closed. "Please?" She could hear the pout in his voice and could just imagine the face he was pulling.

She'd laughed at the image. "Well, I guess once won't hurt," she'd agreed.

"No sign of Kyuhyun?" Someone asked, breaking her thoughts. Misa turned and saw her sister-in-law SoRi standing beside her; she slowly shook her head. "Getting impatient, huh?" SoRi teased.

Misa blushed. "Maybe," she admitted, quietly. The last few days had been filled with short, but sweet phone calls from Kyuhyun, plus a few lunch dates he'd managed to finagle in between practices and meetings. It'd been fun being able to talk with him, laughing at his sarcasm and just being in his company.

"I like him," SoRi announced, smiling. "He's a nice boy and he really seems taken with you, Misa."

"More like my cakes," she joked, making her sister-in-law laugh.

"Well, they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

"That sounds about right," Misa said, giggling.

The two set off in closing up shop, wiping down tables and chairs, then sweeping and mopping the floor. They were just about to box up the pastries in the cases to sell the next day (reduced prices, of course), when they heard a knock at the door.

Misa forced herself to walk over to the door, even though she wanted to run and throw it open. She could see Kyuhyun through the glass, waving at her. She didn't see SoRi grinning behind her.

"Finally!" she exclaimed when the door was open. She moved aside to let him in, then closed the door behind him.

"Yah! I'm not that late!" he shot back, looking at his watch. "Am I?" He suddenly looked worried.

She laughed. "No," she assured him, "we were just closing up." She walked over to the freezer behind the counter and pulled out the cake box with his order. "Here you go," she said, handing it to him. "I hope Leeteuk and Heechul like it."

Kyuhyun placed it on the counter and lifted the box flap. He grinned at the decorated cake inside. "Oh, definitely!" he agreed, laughing. He closed the box, then glanced at his watch again. "The others should have everything ready by now," he murmured to himself. He grabbed the cake and turned to her. "You ready?" he asked.

Misa stared at him, puzzled. "Ready for what?" she asked.

"You're coming with me, aren't you?" he asked, confused.

"I didn't know that was part of the order," she joked.

Kyuhyun slapped his forehead. "Didn't I ask you when I ordered the cake?" he asked. When she shook her head, he laughed at himself. "I know I did in my mind; I just forgot to do it out loud!"

"You have conversations with yourself in your mind?" she asked, arching a brow at him.

"Don't you?"

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