Chapter 8

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Leeteuk was worried.

In the days that followed Kyuhyun's break-up with Misa, Kyuhyun had practically shut down. He hardly ate or drank anything, and refused to talk when spoken to. He put forth the utmost barest minimum of energy in any activity that required his attendance, which luckily, so far, had been a few promos for the Super Show and a radio interview. All he really had done since that day was quietly hole himself up in his room, staring blankly at the wall beside his bed. He made no sound, not even when he breathed, but just laid there on is side, staring at the wall.

After the second day of this, Sungmin, who had once happily shared a room with the magnae, had begun to sleep on the couch in the living room. "It's kind of...creepy," he'd admitted to Leeteuk after the older man had caught him settling down in the living room one night. "It's like he turned to stone or something."

Sungmin being creeped out by Kyuhyun's actions put Leeteuk's worries in overdrive.

No matter how much cajoling or prodding he and the other members did, Kyuhyun refused to leave his bed or his room, except for schedules, which were really far and in between at this point. However, he never spoke, never smiled, never showed any emotion; it worried Leeteuk as both a leader and as a friend. He couldn't remember a time when Kyuhyun hadn't shown any emotion; the younger man had always shown how he felt, even if it was anger or even sadness.

But, he didn't now.

And, Leeteuk didn't know what to do about it. Sure, he'd gone through break-ups and even gone through heartbreak like this. But, he'd never shut down the way Kyuhyun had, although he could understand it...up to a point. As long as he'd known Kyuhyun, the younger man had never been one to beat around the bush or sit down to really think things through. If he had an opinion on something, you could bet you'd know it before the conversation was over. He was also almost totally ruled by his emotions, which made him rash in some situations, and bold in others.

The situation with Misa had been a bold move for Kyuhyun, but it wasn't surprising. Once he knew he liked Misa (or in his own words, "like her a lot!"), even after just a few weeks of knowing her, then in his head, the next logical move was to confess and then run head first into a relationship with her. Which, of course, he had done, and everything seemed to work out great.

Unfortunately, Misa's break-up with him suggested otherwise.

As sad as he was to see his dongsaeng in pain like this, he knew it wasn't good, wasn't going to help in the long run. And he needed to do something to help.

He just didn't know what.

Their break before leaving for China was quickly coming to an end, and as leader of one of South Korea's most popular boy bands, Leeteuk needed his magnae up and functioning. In a business such as music, all members in a group were counted on to pull their weight, to have their responsibilities. From a business point of view, Kyuhyun's actions were threatening that responsibility; and as a leader, Leeteuk could do something about that.

On their last day of break, Leeteuk stormed into the 11th floor dorm, startling those who had already awakened and were in the kitchen for breakfast. They watched as their leader, a face full of determination, stalked past them and down the hall to the bedrooms. Curiously, they followed, only to see Leeteuk burst into Kyuhyun's room.

"Kyuhyun-ah!" Leeteuk called out to the silent young man on the bed. "Kyuhyun, it's time to get up!" He stood in the doorway, watching the still figure. When the latter didn't move, Leeteuk strode further into the room, towering over the bed. "Kyuhyun-ah!" he tried again, this time louder. "I said it's time to get up!"

The other members watched from the doorway, anxious and a bit scared at the scene before them. What was Leeteuk doing?

"Yah!" Leeteuk shouted, bringing his foot up to prod the unmoving figure on the bed. He pushed him a second time, which only succeeded in pushing Kyuhyun onto his stomach, his face still staring at the wall. "Yah! I said get up!" The older man yelled.

Falling In Love Over Cake (A Super Junior FanFic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora