Chapter 7

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With their activities and Super Show II performances behind them, the thirteen members of Super Junior were enjoying a short break before heading on to the next cities on their tour. It was a very rare thing for all of them to have such a respite from a busy schedule, but they weren't complaining.

However, after just two days into their break, Kyuhyun was growing more and more frustrated. Just like the time before heading down south for their appearances, he still wasn't able to get ahold of his girlfriend. He called and left messages, he texted her, but all went unanswered.

"This is getting ridiculous!" Kyuhyun muttered, glaring at his feet as he stalked ot of his room. Sungmin was in there, happily singing along to his iPod, which had annoyed the hell out of his roommate for some reason.

"What is?" Kangin asked, stretched out on the couch. The members from the 12th floor dorm had come to theirs for lunch and had decided hang out for a bit. They were all spread out among the dorm, occupying most of the bedrooms and living areas.

Kyuhyun held up his phone. "I can't get ahold of Misa!" he complained, scowling. "It's been over a week since I last talked to her!" He glared at his phone, as if it alone was responsible.

"I change my mind, then," Eunhyuk said, as he entered the living room from his room, catching the tail end of the conversation. "I think you definitely scared her off when you told her you loved her." The news of his declaration had quickly spread to the other dorm, which only opened the door for even more teasing.

"I think I figured that out for myself, thanks!" Kyuhyun shot back, throwing himself into a nearby chair, as Eunhyuk wrinkled his nose at him. "Why won't she talk to me?" he whined, laying his head on the arm rest, looking somewhat pathetic.

Eunhyuk scoffed. The last several days had been filled with Kyuhyun's whining and frustrations; honestly, it was getting old. "Yah! Why don't you go and find out instead of sitting here and whining about it?" he demanded, waving his arms around. "You know where she works! Go talk to her!" He glared at the younger man, hoping to get his point across.

Kyuhyun's eyes suddenly lit up. "Oh, yeah!" he exclaimed, as if it hadn't occurred to him that he did indeed know where his girlfriend spent most of her waking hours. "Thanks, hyung!" He quickly got to his feet and went to grab his shoes.

"Hold up!" Leeteuk yelled, coming from the kitchen, his cell phone glued to his ear. The others immediately took it as a bad sign. He murmured something into the phone, then hung up. "Manager-hyung needs us to go in," he announced, and wasn't surprised when several protests were voiced.

"What is it now?" Yesung complained from the kitchen.

"Changes for the super show dates in China," Leeteuk answered, then shook his head as they all protested again. He motioned for them to follow him, then looked at Kyuhyun. "Your little reunion is going to have to wait," he added, apologetically.

Kyuhyun groaned and blew out a frustrated breath, but followed the rest of the members to the front hall. There was a slight scuffle as they all tried to find the correct pairs of shoes, which took another ten minutes for them to even get out the door and down to the parking garage.

They reached the SM Entertainment building several minutes later and immediately headed up to the fifth floor, where most of the conference rooms were located. They filed in, taking the seats that were available around the large table, their managers and coordinators soon following. The meeting started once everyone was seated and comfortable.

Fifteen minutes into it, one of the cordi nunas entered with a white box in her hands. "Pastries!" she announced, throwing the box onto the table and taking the seat next to one of the managers. "Sorry I'm late," she apologized to everyone, "But, the bakery I went to was really busy, so one of the workers offered to deliver; I was waiting for her."

Falling In Love Over Cake (A Super Junior FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora