Chapter 1

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"Yah! Auntie! We need help!"

Kang Hyun Jae carefully dropped the dishes she was washing back into the sink and turned off the water as several pairs of feet came thundering into the kitchen. She turned to see three different faces looking hopefully at her.

"What's the matter?" she asked, a bit concerned. The faces belonged to three of the thirteen members of Super Junior, one of Korea's top boy bands, whom she cleaned and cooked for. Many of her nieces were very envious, but Hyun Jae thought nothing of it. After all, she was a middle-aged wife and mother to three kids; the Super Junior boys were all in their twenties.

"Auntie! Tomorrow is Ryeowook's birthday!" Lee Sungmin told her, a bit panicked. "With all of our performances for the new album, we forgot to get him a cake!" He grabbed onto her arm, anxiously bouncing on his feet.

Another member, Lee Hyukjae, but went by the stage name Eunhyuk, pouted. "Can you help us, auntie?" he pleaded.

Hyun Jae laughed at their handsome faces. "Of course!" she answered, smiling. "In fact, I know where we can get a good cake, for cheap and really fast."

Shin Donghee, Shindong to his fans and members, stood behind Sungmin and cheered. "Yay for auntie!" he exclaimed. He moved forward to appreciatively kiss her on the cheek.

Sungmin and Eunhyuk followed suit. "Thank you, auntie!" they chorused, happily.

"We're having a little celebration after our farewell performance on Inkigayo, probably in the evening," Sungmin added.

Hyun Jae nodded. "I'll have it here before then," she assured them, taking out her cell phone from her apron pocket. She waited until the boys returned to the living room, then quickly dialed her phone.


Park Misaki, better known as Misa to her friends, quickly made her way into the lobby of the tall apartment building her aunt worked in, heading straight for the elevators. She greeted the security guard sitting at the booth just off to the side pf the entrance as she passed, and punched the UP button, watching as it lit up. As she waited, she shifted the white cake box in her arms, trying to evenly distribute the weight of the dessert inside.

The elevator arrived with a bell chime, opening its doors for her to step inside. She successfully pressed the appropriate floor button with her elbow, then settled back against the wall of the elevator, her shoulders aching a bit.

"Note to self," she murmured, slightly smiling. "Don't forget the cake carrier next time." She chuckled at her own lame joke, shaking her head.

The truth was, Misa normally didn't deliver the cakes from Eden's Bakery, but made them. Baking had always been her passion, from the moment her parents had placed an EZ Bake Oven into her five-year old hands. As time went on, her talent for creating delectable baked goods grew and improved, awarding her several honors in baking contests. Before long, she found herself making custom cakes for the friends of her parents, earning herself a loyal following.

For her twentieth birthday, her parents had given her a unique birthday present: her very own bakery. Along with her parents and her five brothers, they'd built the business from the ground up, often putting in long hours and back-breaking work. It was only recently that they were finally reaping the benefits of their hard work: Eden's was now popular among the general public, celebrities and non-celebrities alike, and Misa happily busied herself with all of the cake orders.

However, when her auntie had called, she knew she had to personally take care of this order. Auntie Hyun Jae had been a key player in advertising the bakery to some of the clients she worked for, which resulted in some of Korea's top celebrities becoming part of Eden's ever growing list of clients.

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