Chapter 13

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It was nearly one o’clock in the afternoon when the thirteen members of Super Junior finally made an appearance to their practice room at the SM Entertainment building. Hankyung had been the first to awaken at eleven, then proceeded to attempt to get the rest of his members up. Leeteuk had nagged them all the night before with reminders to be up before noon, and although they had all agreed, they were still sleeping when Hankyung got out of the shower at eleven-thirty; including Leeteuk.

“Aish!” Leeteuk exclaimed, entering the practice room and immediately going to the stereo. “Manager-hyung is gonna kill us!” He began to flip through the countless CDS stacked next to the main unit, looking for the one that had their playlist for the upcoming SM Town concert.

“It’s your fault!” Kangin grumpily yelled at him. He went to one of the corners of the room and tiredly slumped down to the floor. “Nagging us to remember when you were the very last one to get up; you’re our leader!” He glared once more before closing his eyes.

“Heechul kept me up!” Leeteuk protested, pointing at the second oldest among them. “You know how he is when he gets into a movie!”

“Yah!” the accused exclaimed. “You were the one who wanted to watch that movie til the very end!” He gave the Leeteuk one of his patented Heechul glares.

“If we’re playing the blame game,” Eunhyuk chimed in, grinning, “Then, I blame Shindong for taking so long to eat lunch!” He ran away when the heavier guy reached for him.

“I gotta eat!” Shindong told him, sourly. He shook his fist at him. “Besides, you kept stealing my food!” he added, scowling. Eunhyuk just laughed.

Kibum, who’d been amusedly watching his hyungs from under the windows, suddenly noticed something propped up against the glass above him. “Hmm? What’s this?” he murmured to himself, standing up and grabbing the object. It was a large envelope, a bit thick and heavy, as if someone had shoved one too many papers into it. He flipped it over a few times, looking at it, stopping as his noticed the name written on the front: Cho Kyuhyun.

“Hey, magnae!” Kibum called to the tired looking boy slumped down next to Kangin. When the younger man’s head snapped up in surprise, Kibum waved the envelope at him. “This was left for you!” he told him, walking over.

Kyuhyun yawned, then took the envelope handed to him. “Thanks, hyung,” he said, tiredly rubbing his neck. His eyes stared for a moment at his name, then he ripped open the envelope. Tipping it slightly, he grabbed the contents inside and pulled them out, revealing a small but thick stack of what appeared to be papers. Curious, he began to spread them out on the floor in front of him, sorting through the glossy photos, as well as paper documents.

“What is this?” he murmured, grabbing a few of the photos for a closer look. From beside him, Kangin began to snore, but Kyuhyun just ignored him. A frown suddenly appeared on his face as he looked at the first picture, then increased with each picture he looked at. He grabbed one of the paper documents, his eyes flying over the words there. At a certain paragraph, he stopped reading, now glaring.

“What the hell is this?!” he suddenly yelled, startling Kangin from his sleep.


Mikko had just finished bringing in some supplies from the bakery storage closet to the front when the bakery’s main line suddenly rang. Seeing that SoRi was busy with a customer, he quickly walked over to answer it.

“Eden’s Bakery,” he greeted, trying to sound cheerful, “This is Mikko, how may I help you?” He listened as the caller began to talk, a frown appearing on his face. “Wait, what?” he asked, his brows furrowed. “Kyuhyun, calm down! You’re not making any sense!” He fell silent again. “Okay…okay…and then? Yeah, I got that part.” Silence again. “What?!” he suddenly shouted.

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