Chapter 9

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Kyuhyun sat on his bed, trying to find his shoes. He wasn't going anywhere, didn't feel like leaving the dorm, in fact. Since Leeteuk's "intervention" with the shower, he'd been making more of an effort to live his life, but he still didn't dare venture outside the comfort zone of the dorm. Plus, seeing as Sungmin had borrowed a pair, and Heechul was in the kitchen trying to cheer him up by making lunch, Kyuhyun wanted to make sure he did have something to protect his feet should the need to flee from a fire in the kitchen should arise.

He stepped back from his closet, frowning. He turned from the closet, absent-mindedly scratching the back of his head, surveying his room. Where the heck are all of my shoes?

As a last resort, Kyuhyun got down on his hands and knees and looked under his bed. A few stray items were strewn across the hardwood floor under there, but no shoes. He blew out a frustrated breath, and was just about to stand up when something caught his eye.

Flattening himself against the floor, Kyuhyun reached under the bed, grabbing what looked like a small plastic ZipLoc bag. He pushed himself off of the floor, maneuvering himself into a sitting position, staring at the small object in his hand.

It appeared to be a small ice cream shaped piece of metal, the bottom round and open. At closer inspection, he recognized it to be a decorating tip, the kind bakers used to squeeze frosting onto their cakes and pastries.

"Why do I have a decorating tip?" he murmured, holding the bad up to the light, scrutinizing the object inside the clear plastic.

And then, it hit him.



"Exactly how tall is that thing?"

Misa looked up from the cake she was decorating, finding Kyuhyun standing a few feet away from her work table. A smile lit up her face as she put down her decorating tool, then hurriedly walked over to him. As she got closer, his grin began to match hers; his arms opened wide and she threw herself into them.

"Hi," he greeted, softly, pressing a light kiss to her lips.

She couldn't stop smiling, something that happened only when Kyuhyun was around. "Hi," she greeted back.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Ishin, Misa's slightly older brother yelled from the opened office doorway. "This place is already sugary sweet with all the pastries; we don't need any of that crap!"

Misa rolled her eyes, not bothering to face him. "Then, don't look, oppa!" she called back, making Kyuhyun chuckle.

"Yah! Kyuhyun!" Ishin yelled again. "You sure you can handle my sister, little brother? Look at how she talks to me!"

"She talks like that to me, too!" Kyuhyun called, earning him a punch to the shoulder.

"Aish!" Ishin muttered, thought they could still hear him. "Kids these days!" He retreated further into the office.

"He's only eighteen months older than me!" Misa said, shaking her head, laughing. She removed herself from his arms and led him by the hand to her table. "So, what brings you here?" she asked.

"Ran away," Kyuhyun answered, shrugging. "Leeteuk and the others aren't smart like me so they're still stuck in meetings." He stuck his finger in the bowl of frosting and happily licked it off.

Misa poked him in the side. "Stick your finger in there again and we'll see how smart you are," she warned.

He chuckled. "So, you didn't answer my question," he said. "How tall is this thing?" He pointed to the various tiers of cakes scatted on the nearby work tables.

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