Chapter 12

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Misa was being ridiculous.

She knew she was being ridiculous, she even acknowledged it in her head; but that didn't stop her from acting ridiculous anyway. She blamed her brother Mikko for the way she was acting now: nervously walking the halls of the twelfth floor of the SM Entertainment building, her heart pounding painfully in her chest, her body tense and in knots.

"If I have a heart attack," Misa muttered to herself, passing several open office doors as she made her way from the elevator, "it'll be Mikko and SoRi's fault!" She shook her head, recalling her morning at the bakery.


"What are the chances that Kyuhyun will be there?" Mikko had asked, after receiving a phone call from someone in the human resources department at SM. He'd just gotten off of the phone with a kind sounding woman by the name of Kim Hee Young, who'd requested a consult for a possible contract for the bakery to keep their breakroom stocked.

"Why take a chance at all?" Misa argued, shaking her head. "You know the trouble it could cause if I run into him." She didn't think a chance encounter was worth all the trouble that would come, should she run into Kyuhyun. Didn't her family understand the seriousness of the situation?

"You said so yourself that Kyuhyun's activities are taking him away from the building," SoRi countered, standing next to her husband. "At one point he was even out of the country for that CF shoot."

By now, her entire family had been told of her situation, and as a family, they'd pulled together to protect themselves until they could figure out a strategy to deal with the blackmail. Part of it had included continuing to "stalk" Kyuhyun through the internet, keeping them updated on his appearances and schedules in order to keep Misa away from him.

"Schedules can change," Misa argued, remembering all the times Kyuhyun had received a phone call or text from his manager, asking him to come in.

"And, business is business!" Mikko shot back. "Which we're trying to run here, sis."

She just glared at him.


In the end, she'd reluctantly agreed to it, and found herself on the appointed floor of the SM building. It hadn't been hard finding Kim Hee Young's office, and when she was invited to enter, Misa felt safe for the moment. Kim Hee Young was a sweet, middle-aged woman with a kind smile and bright eyes, who warmly welcomed Misa inside with a firm handshake and a seat. The consult took just a few minutes, as it seemed ahjumma had already decided she wanted to go ahead with the contract. After hashing out the particulars of what was expected, Misa had Hee Young fill out the order form she'd brought along.

"I knew I had to agree to Kyuhyun's suggestion after having one of your cream puffs," Hee Young told her, as her pen flew over the order form. "One of the secretaries had bought a box of pastries from your bakery this morning." She paused for a moment to look up at the younger woman. "Kyuhyun had nothing but praises for you," she added, her brown eyes twinkling.

Misa looked startled. "I'm sorry," she apologized, sheepishly, "but, did you just say Kyuhyun, Cho Kyuhyun, referred you to me?"

"Oh, yes!" Hee Young answered, laughing to herself. "Came right up to me this morning, saw the box of pastries, and said, 'You know what you need, ahjumma? Another cream puff from Eden's!'" She giggled at the memory. "He told me we should have them everyday for the employees, and well... I could never say no to a handsome face!" she added, suddenly blushing.

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