Chapter 16

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"Shindong, will you hold still?!" Leeteuk shouted from across the salon, glaring at his bandmate. The heavyset singer was wriggling as the stylist struggled to tie his bow tie on.

Scowling, Shindong winced every time his bow tie was pulled. "Why do I have to wear this?" he whined like a little kid. The stylist once again tried to secure the bow tie under his collar, which only succeeded in making the performer exaggeratedly gasp for breath.

From across the room, sitting in the make-up chair, Donghae laughed. "When the big boss man tells you you're singing at his niece's wedding, you do whatever he tells you to do!" he joked.

"Can't I just wear a tie?" Shindong asked the coordi nuna, hopefully. She laughed, and just patted his cheek.

"Are we almost ready?" Leeteuk asked, moments later. His eyes went round the salon, taking in his members; several of them were dressed and ready to go in their tuxedos, while others were getting last minute touch-ups. Although this was a last minute request from the head of SM Entertainment, it wouldn't bode well for them to arrive late for the ceremony.

"Those of you who are ready, start heading downstairs to the limo," Leeteuk instructed, shifting into leader mode. As those who fit into that category filed past him, he gave out last minute instructions: "Ryeowook, straighten your bow tie! Hankyung, where's your cummerbund? Quit bothering Hyukkie, Yesung! Give me that, Kyu!" He quickly snatched the PSP from the magnae's hands.

"Hey!" Kyuhyun exclaimed, making a grab for it.

Leeteuk, however, was quicker. He threw the video game to one of the coordi nunas nearby, who promptly stuffed it into her purse. "Focus, Kyu!" he told him.

The younger man pretended to pout. "But, I was focused, hyung!" he whined. "I was just about to clear a level!"

Leeteuk chuckled. "Go!" he commanded, pushing him towards the door towards the others. He watched Kyuhyun follow his hyungs, silently marveling at the change that had come over the baby of the group.

It had been three months since that episode in their practice room, and Kyu was a changed man; they all were, for that matter. The hurt and betrayal that had happened that day had affected them all in one way or another, but, as a group they'd pulled through. It had brought them even closer than ever, bringing newer and even deeper meaning to the word "brother."

As expected, their relationship with the SNSD girls, especially Taeyeon, had suffered. They no longer talked with the girls' leader, but kept up appearances should they happen to be on the same programs. Unfortunately for Taeyeon, once her members had found out about her actions, they subtly distanced themselves from her, the distrust in their eyes. Taeyeon was looking more and more miserable everyday that they saw her.

Kyuhyun had gone through another bout of depression, but had luckily pulled out of it more quickly this time. After Seohyun's revelation, there really hadn't been time to absorb everything that had happened, as the members of Super Junior M had left for their activities in China, removing Kyuhyun from his troubles for the time being.

And it seemed to be what he'd needed most. In China, he'd been what the fans there remembered him to be: quiet and a bit shy, but enthusiastic and caring towards his members. He'd made their Chinese fans fall in love with him all over again with his bright smile.

Just by looking at him, you wouldn't think the magnae had experienced any heartbreak, hurt or even disappointment in the last few months. Their youngest member had returned to being himself, which had greatly relieved the others.

But, as leader and mostly as a friend, Leeteuk continued to watch him closely. He sometimes saw the sad glint in Kyuhyun's eyes when he thought no one was watching, or watched as he absent-mindedly played with the pink princess wand some fan had given him. It was times like these that for a moment, Leeteuk would worry.

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