Chapter 15

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A/N: This chapter is a bit on the dramatic side; just wanted to give some fair warning. Enjoy!


Chaos exploded at Seohyun’s revelation. The rest of Super Junior leapt to their feet, their eyes either on SNSD’s leader or on each other, stunned.

“WHAT?!” Kyuhyun and Leeteuk yelled in unison.

“Seohyun!” Tayeon screamed, shocked.

“How did she know?” Mikko wondered aloud. Ryuki shrugged.

“Seriously?!” Heechul said, dazed and amused.

Seohyun bowed apologetically to her bandmate. “I’m sorry, unnie,” she apologized, “I found out by accident; but, you know what you’re doing is wrong.” Her lips turned down into a slight frown.

Taeyeon looked at her, frowning at the magnae’s betrayal. Kyuhyun noticed this and gaped at them. “So, it’s true?!” he demanded of his friends.

The eyes of the older girl snapped to his face, but just as quickly looked away, the guilt evident on her face. “I didn’t mean for it to go this far,” Taeyeon muttered, clenching her fists to her sides. Her face was sullen, her dark eyes averted, even as Kyuhyun pleaded with her to look at him.

Ryuki sardonically laughed. “Of course you did,” he told her, coldly. “If you hadn’t, then you wouldn’t have had someone dig up that information on Misa and brought it with you when you met with her.”

This was news to the others; the stunned looks refused to leave their faces, even as their jaws dropped with disbelief. “When did the two of you meet?” Kyuhyun asked, confused, as he looked from Taeyeon to Misa.


Misa grinned at her brother as he walked away, before turning towards the service counter of the bakery. A young woman stood there, pretty and attractive, dressed casually in a cute summer dress.

Misa greeted her with a bright smile. “Hello!” she greeted, bowing. “What can I do for you today?”

The young woman smiled. “Hi, Misa,” she said, startling her by using her name. “I’m hoping you can help me.”

Misa peered closely at her. “Have we met somewhere before?” she asked, confused.

The girl shook her head, still smiling. “No,” she answered, “But, I think it’s time we got acquainted.” She held out her hand. “My name’s Taeyeon,” she introduced.

A light of recognition went off. “Oh, from SNSD!” Misa exclaimed, shocked. She took the other girl’s hand and firmly shook it. “I met Sooyoung the other day.”

“She told me,” Taeyeon said, still smiling. She glanced over her shoulder before adding, “Is there somewhere we can talk in private?”

“I have an office in back,” Misa answered, puzzled.

“That would be perfect!”

Misa led her to the back and ushered her into the empty office. She waited until Taeyeon had taken a seat before sitting down. “What can I do for you?” she asked.

“Actually, there’s something I want to discuss with you,” Taeyeon answered, looking directly at her. “And, I hope you don’t take it the wrong way because my intentions are good.”

“Um, okay.” Misa agreed, baffled; Taeyeon suddenly seemed so serious.

“I’m leader of my group,” Taeyeon began, “I’ve been leader since before we debuted; my girls mean everything to me and I want them to be happy.”

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