Chapter 2

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As much as Misa anticipated Kyuhyun's call, she was also realistic about it. A quick search on the internet confirmed what she already suspected: Super Junior's popularity didn't leave them much free time. One site even updated hourly with detailed information about their schedules, while others had post after post about their upcoming Super Show 2. Although their promotions for their third album had ended, it seemed as if they were busier than ever.

If she had to be honest with herself, she knew the possibility of Kyuhyun- Cho Kyuhyun of Super Junior -calling her was slim to none. But, there was just something about the K-pop idol that constantly had her thinking about him, drove her to scour the World Wide Web for even the smallest tidbit about him, making her hope against all hope that her phone would ring and his deep voice would greet her from the other end of the line.

Of course she was disappointed with the reality of it as the days continued to pass and no call manifested, but the business of running a bakery managed to distract her. Business was really picking up and she couldn't afford to fall behind.

"Okaasan!" Misa called, entering the bakery from the back door. "Okaasan, where are you?" She walked through the baking area, checking on the several industrial ovens that were on. Some were empty, while others were busily baking some concoction or another.

Miyuki Park stuck her head out of the back office. With just a glance, it wasn't hard to see where Misa got her looks from. Except for the few gray streaks in her hair, Miyuki's dark black hair and brown cat-like shaped eyes were mirrored in her daughter."Office, Misa!" she answered, then ducked back in.

She was bent over a stack of paperwork when Misa walked in. "Good morning, sweetheart!" she greeted her daughter, her eyes never leaving the invoices she was leafing through.

"Morning, okaasan!" Misa said, kissing the older woman on the cheek. "I didn't hear you leave this morning." She sat down at the unoccupied second desk and began to twirl herself around on the swivel chair.

"Appa needed to finish some business this morning," Miyuki answered, still concentrating on the papers in front of her. "So I decided to tag along and finish some of these invoices." The tip of her ballpoint pen lightly tapped the topmost document.

"Business as usual," Misa teased, giving herself another twirl.

"Well, it does keep your father out of trouble," Miyuki joked

"Speaking of trouble, I should check the day's orders." She got up from her chair and went over to the file holder near the office door and grabbed the manila folder inside. A quick flip through satisfied her query and she tucked the file under her arm. "Well, I'm off!" she announced, cheerfully. She bent down to give her mother another kiss and added, "Pace yourself, okaasan!"

"The same goes for you, sweetheart," Miyuki called after her.

Misa walked over to the long prep table in front of the ovens, placing the folder on the side table that served as a holder for all of her decorating tools. She flipped open the file again, gazing over the requests for the first order as she slipped on her favorite apron and tied it on. She hummed as she read, continuing as she went to the huge walk-in refrigerator and located the cake she'd bake the day before.

With the cake now on the prep table, Misa set about mixing the frosting she would need. It took her a few minutes, but she never tired of it. This was her favorite part, as decorating often let her express herself creatively.

The morning flew by as she went about finishing the cakes that would be picked up that day, her mind so focused on her duties that she didn't notice her older brother Mikko striding towards her. It was no surprise that she nearly jumped out of her skin when he tapped her on the shoulder.

Falling In Love Over Cake (A Super Junior FanFic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora