Chapter 5

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A/N: Sorry for the wait; as I was telling RashaSiwonest, life distracted me. But, here's the next chapter. And, just a reminder, I will be editing this once I post all of the chapters up, so please bear with me as you find all my mistakes. Thanks!


When Misa woke up the next morning, it was already eleven-thirty. Remembering her conversation about meeting for her birthday with Kyuhyun the night before, she quickly grabbed her cell phone and turned it on. The main screen read: 5 Missed Calls, 5 New Voice Messages and 1 New Text Message. She quickly scrolled through them all, laughing when she saw that they were all from Kyuhyun.

Hitting the button for her voice mail, Misa sat up in bed and slowly stretched while her phone located the messages. After a few seconds, the first message played: “Hi, Misa. It’s Kyu. Sorry for calling so early, you’re probably still sleeping. Anyway, there’s been a change in our schedule, so we have to go and meet with management this morning. I don’t know how long it will take, so I’ll call you later, okay? Bye.”

A brief pause, then the second message played: “Hey, Misa! Me again. Kyuhyun, if you’ve forgotten. Yeah, it looks like we’ll be in meetings and whatnot all morning. Hopefully we’ll finish before lunch. Hope you get this, talk to you later.”

The third message: “Me again. We’re on a break, so I thought I’d call again. I’m hoping we’ll be done soon; I mean, how long do we need to talk about the stage formation for our show? Anyway, call me when you get this. Bye.”

His fourth message was short: “I’m guessing you’re still sleeping. Get up soon, okay?”

And his fifth one made her laugh: “Yah, Sleeping Beauty! Get up already! It’s almost eleven!”

She then checked the text message. “Are you really still sleeping or are you ignoring me? You better not be ignoring me! If you didn’t get any of my messages, I’m at SM. I still want to take you out for your birthday, so meet me here at 1pm, okay? I’ll send you the address in a minute. BTW, with all the beauty sleep you got this morning you better look gorgeous!”

Misa blushed at his last words, then slowly got out of bed. Almost instinctively her fingers went to her lips, remembering the kiss in the elevator. Though it had happened days ago, it was still vivid in her mind: the feel of his lips against hers, the way his arms wrapped securely around her when she felt her knees falter. She’d never been kissed so passionately before, and it surprised her how breathless it had left her.

As she made her way to bathroom, she couldn’t help but think of her feelings towards Kyuhyun. She knew she was attracted to him, but with the way her thoughts constantly drifted towards him lately, she wondered if it was something more that she felt. Sure she loved being around him, enjoying his wit and sarcasm, even his teasing, but at the same time, all she wanted to do was somehow latch onto him and spend every free moment with him. She wanted to run her fingers through his hair and watch him laugh, wanted to help him with his concerns and worries that he felt comfortable voicing to her. But, most of all, she wanted to see him smile that smile that seemed to light up his face.

“Ugh, too many romance novels!” she muttered to herself, frowning at her last thought. She shook her head, looking at herself in the bathroom mirror. Kyuhyun’s text echoed in her head, making her groan at her disheveled reflection. “I better get to it,” she mumbled, sighing.

Almost an hour later and she was showered and dressed, her hair carefully styled and her make-up almost model perfect. As she put the finishing touches on her hair, she stared at herself in the mirror, then sighed. She wasn’t what society called drop-dead gorgeous, but she wasn’t ugly either. She was just…her. “This is as good as it gets!” she told her reflection, offering a small smile.

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