Prison Visits.

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(Y/n) glanced out of the window, the scenery past by them too slowly now, she hadn't been in National City long enough to have seen every part of it, sometimes it seemed like she'd lived there for an eternity but that was a side effect of the colossal number of events that had been thrown her way.

It had been a whole week since Alex's possession and Kara's encounter with red Kryptonite, and each day more Phantom attacks occurred, the people were afraid, even in their own homes they were not safe.

Her eyes widened at the sign that met her. "Lena what the hell, we're going to prison, A women's prison I'm gonna be like catnip to those chicks."

Lena rolled her eyes at her cousin's dramatics. "Oh please, I think they can hold themselves back in your presence."

"So you say, but one look at my gorgeousness and they will be off, its a prison riot, I'm gonna tell them straight away as I walk in just declare it to the room." She nodded her head with conviction. " I'm taken, I'm engaged and she can kick all your butts with both hands tied behind her back, so back off jailbirds. "

"You are all heart, but you don't want to be considered a tease." Lena chuckled until she remembered why she was there, she sighed regretfully. " We're obviously here because Lillian has asked me to visit and I didn't want to come alone not after what happened with Aethyr. "

"How is it that I now think of Lillian as the good mother?" (Y/n) mused. "Like Aethyr ruined Lillian's bad girl credits."

Lena turned away, it still hurt to have had two mothers in her life and both hated her, it had somehow hurt more when Aethyr had turned out to be worse than Lillian because deep down a part of her had hoped her birth mother had actually loved her, she had been horribly wrong.

(Y/n) reached across and grabbed her hand in hers. "Hey, our mothers suck donkey ass, at least we aren't like them, I mean we're way better looking for a start, smarter, get to be best friends and cousins, hey how lucky was that? Plus, we ended up with two totally hot sisters."

Lena smirked at (Y/n)'s logic. "You may be right."

"I am now, come on because you will have to save me from the hungry for hotties, jailers before we even get to the inmates." (Y/n) shrugged.

"You know that we will meet Lillian in a room on our own," Lena asked laughing.

"That could be even scarier, she's never liked me." (Y/n) gasped at the idea of facing the infamous Lillian Luthor after so long, even more after everything that she had put Lena through, that thought made her angry.

"She never likes anyone, so you are not alone." Lena quipped.

"Jeez, our mothers suck so much." (Y/n) sighed preparing herself mentally for what was about to come as they pulled to a stop. "Wait do we get searched now?"

"Yep, who could dislike us?" Lena teased.

"Wtf, how is that still a thing, I know it's prison but damn what about basic human rights? if someone felt us up on the street we would call it indecent assault, but here it's okay."

Lena shook her head, of all times for (Y/n) to be all socialist human right protector now at this very moment in time. "Will you shut up."

" I should have come as Superwoman, no one would dare frisk her. "

"Well until you are fully yourself again you work at Catco world media, as my star employer, you have no idea how much the other papers are jealous I managed to lure you on board, my star celebrity chef writing with us and starring in our very first online cookery show, they are green with envy." Lena boasted happily when she had put the idea to a confused ( Y/n) she'd been apprehensive but she'd explained about how they had no food critic and (Y/n) was the perfect candidate, (Y/n). "I still can't believe it was Alex who convinced you to take it."

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