4n1k Episode 41

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After the celebration, everyone gets dispersed. Yaprak and Baris go together and spends some quality time talking to each other outside Yaprak's house.

Yaprak: Baris, can we maintain distance with each other till Ali don't come out from this? I don't want to hurt Ali.

Baris: Anything for you and your friends, dear. I will wait till you say.

Baris gives a kiss on Yaprak's forehead and they sit silently for a while with Yaprak's head on Baris's shoulder.

Next day, all friends go together on their cycle as before. Ali is still hurt but doesn't show. They all reach school and sit on their hangout place.

After a few minutes, Baris also comes there. He says hello to all and leaves instead of joining them.

Baris looks back at them and becomes very happy looking altogether.

Looking at Baris's understanding, Yaprak also smiles and look at him while he is going.

Yaprak and Baris meet after her friends drop her to the house and this became the routine for around 2 and a half month until everything doesn't get to normal.

After all these months, Ali starts getting to normal. He now doesn't get affected much in the presence of Baris. And gradually he gets acquainted with the presence of Baris in the group and Yaprak. Ali and other friends start bonding well with Baris. Yaprak sometimes spends time with Baris in college too.

One evening, Baris plans to propose Yaprak officially. So without anyone's knowledge, he plans his first date in the beautiful restaurant.

He goes to the gang and says,

Baris: Can I get permission to hitch my love from you for one day?

Everyone except Ali makes fun of him and says no no no.

And later Gokhan stands up, holds Yaprak's hand and give it in Baris's hands.

Baris and Yaprak leave from there. Before leaving, Baris calls Sinan to come to the restaurant with all after 15 min.

Baris takes Yaprak to the restaurant and makes her sit on the table. Baris then goes onto his knees and proposes Yaprak.

Baris: Will you be my girlfriend forever?

Yaprak: She gets surprised and says yes.

Yaprak: Congrats Mr. Baris Ozansoy, you make me fall in love with you more than you.

Baris: Thanks for loving me Miss Yaprak Ayvaz. I may fight with you, I may have a difference of opinions, I may not like something about you, but remember I will never stop loving you. I love you more than anything.

Yaprak with tears rolling down her cheeks: I love you too, more than you.

Baris takes her in his arms hugging her tightly. He then lifts her up and both kiss each other.

A few minutes later, Gang also joins them.

Yaprak getting surprised: How do you come here?

Oguz: Baris invited us before you left from there.

Baris: How can I miss those people who are very important for my girlfriend? Your happiness will be incomplete without them, so I felt that they should be here with you on your big day.

She hugs everyone with tears in her eyes and four boys lift her up.

Baris, standing behind them gets a big smile looking altogether having fun.

Happy ending for Yapbar.

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