4n1k Episode 32

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After class, Ali asks Yaprak to go somewhere alone to spend quality time with each other. Yaprak hesitantly says yes.

Other boys join and ask Ali and Yaprak to come to the canteen. So, Yaprak starts to go with them, but Ali snatches her back saying, " boys, we want to spend some time alone, please excuse us for today".

Boys argue not to go today, but Ali gives a smile and takes Yaprak with him saying see you tomorrow everyone and sorry. Boys can't stop them from going.

Sinan messages Yaprak: Please tell Ali the truth.

Yaprak replies: Please stop it, I am not going to do anything.

Ali takes Yaprak to some serene place, where he pours his heart out.

Ali to Yaprak: I love you so much and I can't imagine my life without you. You were in my heart since the age of 12 and now will remain for my entire life. Nothing is more important than you.

Listening to Ali, tears start rolling out of Yaprak's eyes.

She starts feeling guilty and thinks in her mind that I can't hurt Ali and have to forget Baris.

While talking, Ali holds her hands and gradually tries to kiss her, but Yaprak feels uncomfortable and stops Ali saying,

Yaprak to Ali: No, I am still not comfortable.

Ali pretends to be ok in front of her, but from within he doesn't like it.

Yaprak says sorry and starts giving justification, but Ali stops her talking and says,

Ali: I am the same Ali, your best friend. Please don't consider me another person. I want Yaprak to be the same, who loves to listen to my music and play with my dimples. But from some days, I am feeling that you are changing. Please do not change.

Next day, three boys come to Yaprak.

Sinan: Yaprak, you cannot go further like this.

Gokhan: This is wrong and has to tell Ali everything.

Yaprak with anger: Enough. From now onwards there will be no discussion on this topic and forget everything regarding Baris.

Sinan yelling back: What happen to you? Have you any idea what are you doing with you and Ali's life? You are wrong Yaprak and all leave from there.

As they leave, Baris comes to Yaprak. Before he says anything to Yaprak, she gets angry and asks him to leave without saying a word.

When Baris doesn't go, she herself leaves from there. He doesn't know the reason behind her behavior, so he goes to the gang to ask.

Boys depict entire conversation done with Yaprak. Baris asks boys to come up with some idea so either Ali himself comes to know or Yaprak herself confess it.

Boys start thinking about ideas.

Oguz: It's better that we go and tell Ali.

Gokhan: For that Yaprak have to agree, because if she denies then Ali will not believe us.

Sinan: Yaprak will not be able to tolerate distance from Baris. So, let's send Baris away from here.

Gokhan: Are you mad? Yaprak loves Baris if he goes from here, how she will get her love?

Sinan: You crazy I am not telling you to send him for real but to fake it.

Baris: Do you think this will work?

Sinan: I am 100% sure, it will work because I have seen her crying for you. She deeply loves you but is not able to show you. 

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