4n1k Episode 31

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The same night, Baris goes to Yaprak's place and calls her, but she ignores his calls.

Baris messages her standing in front of her house: Yaprak please come down for 5 min.

Yaprak replies: No, I am not coming. You go from here. I don't want to talk to you.

Baris climbs to the roof and knocks her room's balcony window, but she doesn't open it. After lot of efforts, Baris is not able to meet her.

Baris leaves with disappointment and again comes back in the morning so that he can meet Yaprak while leaving for school. But looking to the Baris at the gate, she fastly takes her cycle and runs away without talking.

After reaching to school, Oguz comes to Yaprak.

Oguz to Yaprak: I know everything and am with you in any kind of decision.

Yaprak getting irritated: My decision will remain the same and will never leave Ali.

While they are conversing, Baris comes and pulls her arms to take her to the side. Yaprak asks him to leave, but when he doesn't leave her, she bites his hand and runs away. Baris yells at her and then gives a smile.

Baris later takes Gang's help. He asks boys to bring Yaprak to one room. When he is discussing with boys, Ali arrives and is able to hear only Yaprak's name.

He gets curious and asks boys what are you talking about? Everyone gets bewildered and starts to disperse saying we are discussing regarding the new car model.

Ali again asks with doubt, but I heard Yaprak's name to which Gokhan replies what Ali? Yaprak can't be everywhere.

Oguz somehow brings Yaprak to one classroom to discuss studies. Then suddenly he acts as if he has some work and has to leave for 2 minutes.

Oguz: Yaprak, I forgot something. I have some work, so am leaving and coming in 2 min. You please don't go from here.

Yaprak: O.k, but come fast and don't make me wait so much.

As Oguz leaves the room, Baris enters the classroom and boys close the door from outside.

Yaprak yells at Baris, but he goes towards her and makes her sit on the desk. He too sits beside her and asks her do you love Ali?

Yaprak shaking his head: No.

Baris: I want your happiness. It's not the matter of whether you love me or not, it's just about you. If you don't love Ali, you have to tell him the truth. In this way, you are hurting yourself and in future Ali too. The forceful relations don't last long. There is nothing wrong to think about your own feelings first. I am sure Ali will understand you.

Although you know that I love you so much, I am not expecting you to come to me. But at least think about yourself and tell Ali everything. And if you are not ready to tell then I will talk to him.

Yaprak with anger: No, Baris. You are not going to tell anything to Ali.

She gets up from the desk and starts walking towards the door. Baris stops her and within a second, she breaks down.

She sits down on her knees and starts crying loudly. Listening to this, boys open the door and enters the room. Baris lifts her up, wipes her tears and takes her in his arms. While she is still in his arms and crying, Yaprak starts telling her concerns about Ali and their friendship.

Baris and all friends get upset seeing her condition.

Baris consoles her by saying: I understand you well and your friendship. For you, friends come first and you can never think of hurting them. But at some point, you have to take your own decision which your friends should respect.

And pointing towards three boys, Baris further adds that as you can see your friends understood you, Ali too will respect your feelings. Don't worry.

She looks at her friends and all hug together. Baris smiles watching them together and make a promise to himself, "I will solve everything and will not allow Yaprak to hurt herself."

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