4n1k Episode 36

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In the morning, Ali comes to pick up Yaprak. While going, she gathers courage and stops Ali,

Yaprak: Ali, I want to tell you something.

Ali: Do you want to say I love you in the middle of the road?

Yaprak hitting him on the shoulder: Listen to me, please. You remember yesterday I went with Oguz without telling you.

Ali interrupting her: So what? Yaprak, are you thinking that I felt bad? I didn't feel bad for it. It's just I was worried about you because I didn't find you anywhere in college. Let's go otherwise we will be late for class.

After reaching to college, Yaprak directly goes to the washroom to get rid of her heavy heart. She cries and later calms down to go to class.

Gokhan asks her through eyes, did you tell Ali the truth?

Yaprak nods her head sideways.

After the class, all friends minus Yapark go to their hangout place. And while chatting,

Sinan to Ali: When and how did you propose Yaprak? We don't know anything.

Ali depicts the entire event.

Oguz: How did Yaprak react? What did she say?

Ali: She was a bit of shocked and so didn't say anything.

Gokhan: So, how did you judge that she too loves you?

Ali: There is no need to judge. We are friends from the age of 5, why would she not love me? I understand that she doesn't understand the heart thing, but I can say that she too loved me but never able to accept it in the shadow of friendship.

Gokhan: Or maybe she is trying to love you just to not hurt her childhood friend.

Ali with anger: What rubbish are you talking? Are you out of your mind? Yaprak is not trying, but she really loves me.

Sinan calming down Ali: You know Gokhan. He never thinks before speaking. Please ignore him.

Ali walks out in anger.

Ali's mind starts thinking about what Gokhan said. He is not able to sleep for the whole night. First, he thinks of going to Yaprak's house, but later cancels the plan and decides to ask her in the morning while going to school.

Next morning, he picks up Yaprak but is not able to ask due to fear of getting no answer from Yaprak. Yaprak too is not able to tell Ali.

They remain silent till school. After reaching to school,

Yaprak to Ali: Are you Ok? Did something happen to you?

When Ali is about to reply and ask her, Baris enters from the gate. He says hello to both Ali and Yaprak and leaves winking his eyes towards Yaprak.

Ali again starts to ask, but their three friends arrive. He thinks of leaving it. All friends go together in the class pulling legs of each other.

In the class, Ali's mind remains occupied with Gokhan's words. So Ali decides to talk to Yaprak about this.

Ali to himself: my mind will go mad if I don't clear it with her. I know Yaprak loves me, but have to confront her just to satisfy this mind.

He passes cheat to Yaprak saying I want to talk to you, please meet me after class to the room next to the auditorium.

To this Yaprak says ok and thinks in her mind that this is the best opportunity to tell Ali everything.

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