Meeting Again - Fourth Chapter-

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The rest of the week went by quickly, your boss told you that you didn't have any other kids to meet if anything changes. You, in total and for the moment, had five children in your groups, and, for you, that was totally fine. 

So, you could spend the rest of your week and weekend having fun. But, still, you tried on your three last day of the week to work a little, finishing the folders of the kids, and doing some projects, some things that you liked, maybe, reading, writing, painting etc. 

You also moved in some of your things in the room, at the hospital, where you'll live in, for one year, with the children. The room was pretty decent, with a little bathroom and one nice window. Even if it was pretty blank, you knew you could decorate it to your taste.

When the weekend started, it was the time for you to relax for real. You visited the place, enjoyed the local restaurants, there was even one place that served (Y/F/D), your favourite drink of all time. 

You didn't hesitate to go there more than one time to take your daily serving of (Y/F/D). You also visited a small shop that sold some pastries and also sold equipment to make some cupcakes. 

When you saw that, you had one of your wonderful ideas. You took two kits, each one of them allowed you to make six cupcakes, and went home.

Sunday come, the relaxing day of the week, so you made the cupcakes. Each one of them was dyed in a different colour: One bubblegum pink, one lilac purple, another one lime green, one sky blue, one strawberry red and, lastly, one lemon yellow. 

They all had the same flavour, so no arguing on that. You made these cupcakes for your little buddies that'll come next day. You'll welcome them with that, hoping it'll at least greet them well. 

You didn't want them to cry too much when their parents will be gone, but, it was undeniable that some of them will let some tears flow. 

The other six cupcakes, you'll keep it for another time, maybe I'll make some with them at the camp, who knows!

It didn't take you all day to make these yummy cupcakes, so you went out in the city, walking around the shops. Now, you stood in front of a market, where they sold some soda. 

Should I take a bottle of soda? Why, yes I should! 

You took two different scents, a strawberry one, and a lemonade one, so everyone could have their own preference. The adults and the kids could have a serving. You took all of it, bought it, and walked back home.

Walking back home, you thought of what you could do with the kids. You knew that you had to put them to sleep at seven P.M. and that they had to wake up at eight A.M. 

You also knew that tomorrow, they arrive at three P.M. This thought made you jump with happiness, thinking of the little Jason, Bubba, Paul, Nubbins and Michael. You giggled and focused back on the road again.

/| To Your Hostel Room |\

You finished packing your things and jumped on your bed, sitting, legs crossed, and you looked at your clock on the wall. Five hours P.M, Suppertime! You jumped out and took something simple to eat, a little snack. 

You silently ate the sack, while wondering how your family and your friends were doing. After eating all of your meal, you plopped on your bed and texted your relatives. You finished your days by reading a book that you fell asleep while reading it.

/| Tomorrow, At Your Job |\

You didn't really take time to eat, you just jumped out of your room, with your suitcase, and ran to your job. You didn't want to be late, you wanted to be there when they'll arrive, even if you'll be in advance. 

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