Jason's Birthday -Eleventh Chapter-

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/| Dedicated For All Jason Fans Out There |\

/| Thirty-Ninth day, Friday, First year - 13 June |\

/| Dream |\

This time, no children, no monster, no field, it was just me, in a dark, luxurious forest. I was simply wandering around, clutching at my coat, the temperature is kinda low.

I remember trembling, before shouting, 'Hello? Can somebody hear me?'

No answer. I was lost, in this forest, no landmark I could use to locate my self in that gigantic forest, seemingly having no end. I could feel tears forming in my eyes, 'is my destiny here? Will I die here, eaten by an animal? Or.. something else?..' I remember thinking that too, and, at this precise moment, I heard branches creak.

Was it a coincidence? I don't know, but, I just didn't stand in place, no, I run for my life, away of this damned place. And, luckily, I didn't trip like all dumb gals in horror movie, but, instead, I bumped into someone.

I fell harsh on my bum, groaning in pain, but quickly looked up at the intimidating figure towering over me. It was the Kind One, in my dream before, with his dark clothes and his beige mask. But, in the dark of the forest, he no longer looked kind, but dangerous, intimidating.

In the light of the moon, a thing reflected its silver light.

It was long, sharp, metallic.

It was a machete. A sharp machete, that he was griping, staring at me. Planning to use it. I silently yelped, getting on my feet and ran in the other direction. While running, my eyes blurry with tears, I shouted, helpless and hopeless, 'Can someone hear me? Please help!'

No one responded, I just continued crying while running, but, in front of me, there was a small, not much deep, pit. It wasn't deep, but it was enough to make my trip and tumble down to the end.

I remember almost blacking out, but, I succeeded in staying awake. I groaned in pain, there was surely bruises all over my body, even maybe a twisted ankle. But, all you were perfectly certain is that you had a terrible headache, sorrow all over my body.

But, like an electrical charge, adrenaline filled my body, as I thought about the monster that was pursuing me, and I tried to get up. I couldn't too much be weakened by the fall, so I just tried to crawling away from anything that could be pursuing me at this moment.

'Who knows what creature could be lurking around here, searching for a weak prey for supper?' This thought sends dread trills in my body, and some adrenaline with, making me accelerate.

I looked behind, no one was behind me. 'Where could he be?' But, when I looked back up in front of me, I understood.

He was right there, in front of me, stretching his hand to me.

He wanted to help me...?

But, when I hesitantly brushed my hand against his, slowly accepting his invitation, it was like if I felt in a hole and all the light was aspired, leaving me in the complete darkness.

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