Your Character

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{Read until the end if you want all information}

Hello dear readers, I got a grand announcement for you.

In a forthcoming chapter, a character that you may invent will intervene with the book. Well, it is a simple way to say it, but I don't want to tell too much.

I won't deny that I'm kinda hyped for this chapter, but I digress.

Here's the information that you need to know.

If you want to participate, you gotta have details about your character. Here what you gotta mention to me:

Principal information:

-Name (First name, any middle name and last name)

-Nickname (The character can prefer to be called only by its nickname)

-The gender (I accept any kind of gender)

-The age (Gotta be a kid (or at least a young teen), between one to fifteen-years-old)

-Language(s) spoken or Accent (Not that important, but you can precise)

-Country (where are they from? Can precise the state, province...)

Physical information:

- Ethnicity (What is your character origin? Race?)

-Hair colour (Are their hair dyed? No?)

-Hair length (Long? Short? Can add if it is curly, straight...)

-Eyes colour (Do they have eyes different colours? No?)

-Skin colour (Tan? A little? Or not at all?)

-Weight (How does your character weight?)

-Height (How tall are they?)

-Body type (Are they muscular? Chubby? Thin?)

-Details here (Are they hairy? Do they have scars? Freckles? Birthmark? Have missing limb? Etc.)

Psychological\Emotionnal\Mental information:

-Pastimes (What do they like to do to pass time?)

-Passions and Interests (Are they into arts? Into sports? Passionate into nature?)

-Likes (Fav colour? Animal? Their kind of book? Music? Movie?...)

-Dislikes (Hated things?)

- Dreams (Any dreamed career? Any hope? Wish?...)

-Fears (are they scared of something? Clowns? Spiders?...)

-Clothes (How do they dress? Their style? Emo? Goth? Punk? Hippy?...)

-Emotions (How emotional are they? Do they get easily sad? Do they get afraid easily? How quickly do they get enraged? Are they happy easily? Or, in the opposite, are they passive to emotions?)

- Reactions (How do they react to emotions or situation? If they are afraid, do they freeze, flight or fight? If they are sad, do they isolate themselves, cry during long days or others? Do they laugh readily? Are they emotionless?...)

- Sociability (Are they extravert or introvert?)

- Qualities (What makes your character good? Intelligent? Fast learners? Kind? Polite? Curious? Compassionate? Or other?...)

-Flaws ((You have to have flaws, a character cannot be perfect) What makes your character human? Are they mean? Do they have struggles to learn? Lazy? Greedy?...)

-Habits (Do they have habits? Drugs (doubt about that for a kid but ok)? Picking nose? Harming themselves?...)

-Mental Health (Do they have mental issues? Bipolar? Schizophrenia? Psychopathy? Depression? Anxiety? Autism?)

- More (Can add details here. Did they invent their own languages to communicate with their friends? Do they have messy or delicate handwriting?...)

I don't accept superpower, except if there is a realistic explanation behind it. Your character cannot control fire because she was born like that... That's way too easy.

Feel free to add any details you want, and, backstories aren't obligated, but it'll add a little depth to your character, so, more easy to write.

Anyone can participate, I'll only refuse people if there are too many characters already.

I can accept more than one character if there aren't too many people.

Important: Write with which child slashers you'd like to befriend with!

Well, that is all I needed to say, please describe me your Oc in the comments or in private!


(P.S Thanks to @TheReader_TheWriter_  For the idea ^-^)

Odd Dreams (Child Slashers x Reader) (Abandoned)Where stories live. Discover now