Michael Myers -Third Chapter-

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Today, you given yourself the right to sleep more than yesterday, you knew that your next patients won't be in the morning. You slept up to nine A.M., and, when you noticed you slept up to that, you jumped out of your bed.

You ate a small breakfast and took a fast shower. You almost smashed down your door when you understood that you were going to be late. You dressed in a hurry and literally ran to your job. People stared at you in confusion, caught off guard by your hurry.

/| To Your Job |\

You opened the door in hurry, closed it in a loud bam!

Some members of the staff gazed at you, but no time to explain your action, you ran in your boss office. You knocked loudly on the door but didn't wait for any responses, you just entered.

You stood there, in front of your employer, tousled hair and breathing hard for air, exhausted after your frantic race against the time.

-"(Y/N)?" asked your superior, surprise in his voice.

Your breath, and excused your comportment.

-"You may excuse me, boss. Am I late?"

He shook his head "No, in fact, your patient is in the afternoon, so, you just better get prepared. They gonna arrive by one P.M."

You sighed, I could stay in bed longer, you thought, a bit deceiving.

-"Well, thank you, mister, bye."

With that said, you just went to your local. Arrived at your local, you smiled, seeing your little pals drawing on your wall. You grabbed the kids' files, and added details, making a way more clean version of each of them. 

But, it quickly became useless, considering the version that you had finish couldn't be better. So, you decided to go for a walk around the hospital. You to simply explore around. 

You could have gone to the city, to explore the beautiful place that was waiting for you to venture in it. But, you preferred to wait, the better was to wait for the weekend. 

It'll be the best time for you to commend a drink at the local restaurant, to buy some things at a market, chat with the citizen etc. But, for today, you wanted to stay simple. Going for a walk is the best idea you could've had. You'll simply admire the natural beauty of this place.

You admired the nature, the trees, the flowers, the sky, the clouds... The little path you were walking on was guiding you to a forest. A beautiful one, to precise. The trees of the forest were clear, so the light of the sun could easily penetrate the area. 

But, the more you sank in the wood, the darker it was getting. It's better to stay in the light, I'll come and explore more one day, with the kids maybe? Yes, that is a good idea. You smiled at your own idea, you just sat on a bench and breath the pure air of the forest.

A small noise caught your attention. You looked up, above your head, the birds were chirping, whirling between the branches. You looked at your watch, 12:30 P.M., it was time for you to go back to your office. You were hungry anyways.

/| To Your Office |\

You quickly ate, and wait for your patients, that will come in some minutes since it is 1 P.M... You looked at the clock, your papers and pen ready to be used. Knock Knock Knock Three small, delicate knocks resonated in the local. 

-"You may enter!" you said, retaining your excitement.

The door gently opened, revealing a tall, slim woman, in her twenties. She had long blond hair, with curls in it, and nice clear blue eyes, and a completed look with her pale complexion. She was dressed in a blue dress with some nice, beige leggings. 

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