The Calm After The Storm -Ninth Chapter-

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- The fourteenth day, Monday, First year - May 19 -

Lessons Day

You woke up as you heard giggles in your room, some small, almost silent laughs, like if it didn't want to be heard. You mentally groaned, finding this rough wake up pretty unpleasant.

Oh no, not that again...

You grumbled out loud while stretching your weary limbs, sitting up in your bed. You looked around in your darkened room, no one was to be seen, but, they could be hiding anywhere.

You growled again, kinda mad at the people who decided that it'll be their pastime to annoy you this morning.

You shouted, in groggy, but strict, voice, "Bubba? Are you the little rascal that is lurking in here?!"

You were convinced that it was Bubba since he was the kind of munchkins that'll come in your room and declare your bedroom as his new domicile.

This thought made appear a small smile on your sleepy face, but, you recovered your seriousness quickly.

You focused your sense of hearing on the calm of the room. Silence... Absolutely no sounds, except your breathing. Great, now I'm doing auditory hallucinations...

This thought sent chills down your back, as you thought:

What next?

Will I see shadows?

You shook your head.

Nope, not gonna think about the dream again...

You then, again, looked around your small chamber. The light filtered by the curtains, that covered your windows, during the night, enlighten your room just enough so you could distinguish your furniture, with your extras, for example, decoration.

You admired for small seconds your well-decorated room, all done by yourself.

As you finally soothed down, relaxed your anxious muscles, you closed your eyes and thought a bit. Surprisingly enough, the last few days, you didn't have the weird dream about the shadows and all.. as if you were done with it.

But, you had the feeling that you'll have to deal with it again, in the future. You looked at your clock, it was showing seven A.M.

Well, it's the time to wake up the munchkins...

You stretched again, definitely not ready to get out of your comfortable bed and to get undress out of your comfy pyjamas. You placed your legs out of your bed, and your feet met a.. strange texture.

You stopped moving, caught off guard. The texture was soft, almost squishy, but definitely firm, not like a cushion. But, the weirdest, it was the hair that your feet touched.

You gulped, and your scared mind went to imagine all type of explanation, most illogical or fantastical one.

Is there a monster hiding under there?

Like.. the Grudge, with all her messy, dark locks?

Is there a corpse under my feet?

You gulped, and, your body tensing up and shaking, you approached your glare to the end of your bed to see what was hiding. Slowly, but surely, your head made it ways the edge of your bed.

When you reached the side of your bed, you didn't have time to perceive anything that three small shapes jumped on you, making you fell back on your bed.

Odd Dreams (Child Slashers x Reader) (Abandoned)Where stories live. Discover now