Terror - Twenty-First Chapter

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{The Past Events}

You were about to say something in response, perhaps to ask them what was going on, concern and fear rushing in your blood, but, he didn't let you finish.

In a whisper, he told you something that silenced you instantly. It wasn't rancorous. No, it was just like he was stating it... as a fact.

-"You have abandoned us."

/| Grief |\

The first seconds, you didn't budge, you couldn't move. Your mouth agape, you stared at this pale shape in the unbothered darkness as your mind assimilated the shock. You couldn't even form a word, just a 'no, this isn't happening' repeating in your head.

Those words... Those meaningful words were told in such a cold tone, a tone that you had never thought Jason would ever say to you. But, now, it has been done, right in front of you, spat like the feared truth to your face. There was a strange calm emanating from the child, calm full of loathing. He didn't want to talk to you, you were bothering him.

In an attempt to disprove what you had heard, to shake away the disagreeable feeling you felt because of the persistent, cold look in your young interlocutor's eyes, you slowly began to shake your head.

You had a drained, wavering smile in your face as if you were trying to laugh it off even if you knew what you heard. There was a look of disbelief in your eyes and confusion written all over your face.

Something was wrong, like an imminent, spectral feeling; an uncontrollable fear that grew in you, threatening to explode.

In your chest, your heart was pounding so fast that you could hear it through your rib cage, and, with your pulsating temples, it was hardly the only sounds that were invading your mind. The exception being Bubba's silent whimpers behind you.

- "Wha... What are you talking about?" You quiveringly mumbled, breaking the silence as you hold onto your smile, gently shaking your head. You even let a small, nervous laugh, but it sounded more like a cry in the dark.

You eyed the small boy's form, your eyes locking with his for a few seconds. Those amber eyes, usually keeping so much joy, were so... sad. Distant. Betrayed.

Seeing this grief in his eyes, you wanted to take him in your arms and embrace him protectively, but, at the same time, you felt that you shouldn't. The aura that emanated from him felt different, cold, and you didn't dare to step near him.

The silence followed, unbothered, as the darkness. Your breathing completed the rather tense ambience. Behind you, Bubba hid behind your back, peeking over your shoulder while his small hands gripped on your shirt.

You and the small, spectral silhouette of the child stared in each other's eyes for a few minutes. You observed his movement, while he- you didn't know, his gaze seemed vacant, while, at the same time, seemingly retaining something, an emotion. An emotion that was trying to escape, that he was trying to keep inside his little heart.

Incredibly painful to watch.

You, the one that has taken care of him and protected him, that loved him like your little brother... He was defending himself from you.

He lowered his head, your gaze separating as his golden eyes stared down at the floor with decaying planks. You first tried to follow his eyes, but yours got stock on a glittering thing in the dark.

Your eyes locked on the glimmer. It was gleaming in the darkness, just like the water of a river under the pale gleam of the moonlight.

It was slowly forming tears.

Odd Dreams (Child Slashers x Reader) (Abandoned)Where stories live. Discover now