Endless Loop - Eighteenth Chapter

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/| Day Ninety-Four, Sunday, First Year - September 17 |\

/| Danger |\

After a nocturnal escapade with your group, you returned to the hospital, to finally enjoy the heat of your bedroom, wrapped in your bed's covers.

You closed your eyes, remembering the last moment of your walk out in the forest.

You saw your kids enjoying the last glowing lights of the autumn sun, swaddled in soft quilts so the breeze of September won't hit you, observing with your impressed eyes the sun slowly fading in the night sky with shades of orange and pink, before letting the stars illuminating the dark purple night firmament.

You sighed, a smile stretching on your tired face, recalling that Jason proposed to have a sleepover for the umpteenth time. You chuckled, shaking your head, as he complained that it will surely be the last chance you could have to sleep under the stars.

He was right, sadly. It was the last hot fall's days before being replaced by the real autumn. The sharp wind, the icy rain, the vanishing sun, the large, dark clouds, the slippy mud, the colourful leaves nuanced to darker ones... The list goes on.

You shrugged bitterly and, in a hopeful tone, ensured him that you would have an outdoor sleepover when spring would come out of its ashes.

Your mind, going in a peaceful slumber, imagined with a bright simper some snowballs fights when the delicate snowflakes will fall from the sky. Imagining your group jumping two feet in the mud, splashing the mud on everything around you.

Then, a thought gently disturbed you out of your sleep, the visions.

It has been days you didn't have these mysterious dreams. You weren't complaining, but, after becoming used to it, not being afraid of it anymore, it has caught your curiosity. By exploring the deepest of your mind you'll finally understand the meaning of these fantasies, and you craved for that.

It wasn't fear anymore, but pure interest. As you recalled the few memories of the dream, you felt the need of seeing those strange men. It was like if you craved for risk. You knew those men were dangerous, but, at the same time, you felt drawn to them.

You continued to reflect on them; your thought became blurrier, your surrounding growing darker as you sank into peaceful slumber, the delicate silk of fantasies wrapping around your comfortable shape for you to start dreaming.

Everything was dark, well, it seemed dark. You floated in this thick layer of black, awake, observing your obscure surrounding, trying to distinguish any form or glitter in the night.

But, there was none. It was absolute blackness, you couldn't even recognise your hands in this dense obscurity.

You opened your mouth, and tried to make a sound, but, you could shout with all your might, no noise gotten out of your lips.

As you examined the darkness, palpating these dark clouds as if it was an unknown substance that was studied by scientific, your surrounding became more unclouded.

Soon enough, your eyes were able to distinguish the midnight blue of the sky, stars scattered on the firmament, and the moon overlooking everything with its glow, lightening up the area.

The meadow, encircled by a gloomy forest, composed of large and tall trees, was submerged by the ambient darkness.

Now on your feet, grass up to your knees, you admired the place with interested eyes, checking all directions with curiosity.

A little grin grew on your features as you made steps forward, feeling the grass tickles your bare ankles while you wandered.

Your breath transformed into steam and the wind was the background sound, with the leaves rustling in its path, but, you weren't cold.

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