Happy Birthday, (Y/N)! - Tenth Chapter -

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/| Sixteenth Day, Wednesday, First Year - May 21 |\

- Dream -

Journal Entry #1

Nothing new today, except the fact that I dreamed of the same dream twice this night. Well, I'll just do a summary of it...

For two days, you decided to keep a diary where you'll write your dreams, advice you founded on the Internet. It apparently helps to be more creative, but it wasn't the reason you did that anyways... You wrote the new things that happened in your dreams, and, here's what happened, two days ago.

As always, my dream start by some blinding light, lighting up the scene of myself running in that heavenly meadow, the kids my heels. It's like I'm actually a shadow silently following myself... And, she, myself, always seem so happy, relieved.

But, looking behind her, to see if the kids were near, she clumsily trips on her feet, and, when her head hit the ground, the shadow that I am do feel an impact. An immense pain spreads across my body, a horrible headache start forming, as the light fade and I black out...

It's where the weird part start as I feel grass under myself, it is when I know that I have reinstated my body. I mumble, touch my harmed head, and hear some footsteps approach me. I hear some worried, inaudible whispers, while others stand silent.

At this moment, I'm supposed to hear a worried, shaken, but charming voice, tell me, 'Miss (Y/N)? Are you alright?' slightly deformed with stutters.

I slowly try to open my eyes, groaning in pain, but, when I open my eyes, the sunlight assault my eyes, and I have no choice to wait until I get used to it. In the brightness of our sun, I can perceive six shadows bent over me, observing me.

As my eyes get used to the light, I keep asking, in each dream, hoping to get a different answer, 'Who are you?' But, each time, always the same answer. They burst out laughing, amused by my answer, like if it was the most hilarious joke in the whole world...

I could distinguish two laughter that sounded like grunting, one that sounded like a breath.. it is freaking spooky... Two others that their laughter sounded like witches, while definitely masculine, and, lastly, charming, graceful laughter.

The ones that had the witches laughter then joke about me, saying something like, in a jerky voice, the other stuttering, 'She sounds like if she had lost her mind!', as the other one responds, giggling, 'Yeah!'

My eyes wide open, all shook and confused, but, a gentleman helps me out and save me. A hand appeared in front of my face, like the one that had a gentle, charming voice call me out kindly, 'Here, take my hand, miss (Y/N).'

I hesitantly took his hand, and, as he helps me to get up, the shadows leaned over me pushed themselves apart, to let me pass between them.

I look up, to thank the gentleman who helped me out, but the words stopped their way in my mouth as I saw the handsome, perfect gentleman's face.

Beautiful grey eyes, sparkling with kindness, complimented by his short, straight brown hair. He had perfect pale skin, his face was beautifully sculpted, beardless. Totally up, you saw how much he was tall, thin, a lanky man, dressed up in a beige outfit. He was taller than you by about one or two inches, staring down at you with a kind smile.

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