The Sawyer Family -Second Chapter-

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As Jason and his mother were gone, you didn't have much to do. The dinner was in minutes, and you were done with your job. You started filling up papers about Jason, developing a folder about him to examine his case, trying to get a diagnostic to assist him in the best way possible.

It didn't take you all day, you even finished a bit before the lunch break, so, you took the opportunity to go talk a bit to your employer. Not for pleasure, but to ask him some important questions. You grabbed your lunch box and walked to the office of your superior.

/| Skip To The Office |\

You were at the doorstep, and you knocked politely.

Knock Knock Knock

Your boss' voice rang through the door "Name?"

-"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)"

-"Ah, I guess you have other questions; you may enter."

You opened the door wide and stepped in, looking over your boss who was looking at one of his giant windows, as if he was admiring the countryside. But, in fact, he had surely nothing to do, so he just went with it and admire all the money he'll have at the end of the week, without doing any effort. You closed the door and started.

-"Yes, I have, indeed." You looked around you and recalled what you wanted to ask, " I would like to know if I receive any patient this afternoon?"

Harry turned around to see you, a wide waggish smirk. "Yes, you have, in fact, you have all the Sawyer family!"

You repeated these words in your mind "The Sawyers... Family..?"

Your boss nodded "Yes, for your first meeting, it was easy, the Voorhees weren't many. The mother and the child, quite simple."

You nodded, agreeing with him.

He continued his blather "But, the Sawyers, on the other hand- A big family. The mother, the father, and three sons! Ah aha, I wish you good luck with that!"

You rolled your eyes and told him, "I'm sure it won't be hard. When are they coming?"

He shrugged, "About two P.M."

-"Mm okay, after that, do I receive any other patients?"

-"No, lucky you I guess... "

-"Well, thanks for responding to my questions, have a nice dinner, bye."

You didn't wait for him to answer and got out of his local.

/| The Sawyers Arrival |\

You were admiring Jason's drawing, proud of his talent, now, these are really good drawing


You didn't have the time to finish your thought that three loud knocks -or, more like banging- on the door made you jump.

Voices shouted through the door. "Oh! I tell you one last time, Y'all boys got to act normally this time, you piece of retarded sh*t-"

Then, a feminine voice cut him off "Could you stop slurring! Be calm and maybe the lady doctor would actually dare to respond to us!"

You blushed when you were mentioned in their discussion, feeling timid, intimidated by all this notice on you- who didn't even talk.

Now, the woman behind the door, the mother, you guessed, addressed to you some kind words "Now, miss, don't you worry, my husband may be loud, but he won't hurt a fly!"

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