Hide and Seek - Sixth Chapter -

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- Day six, Sunday, first year - May 11 -

/| The Forest |\

The rest of the week was great days to have at your time in the camp. Your little group had fun all the time, even if there were cold and tension between some of you, but, it's normal, no? It's like if you were a family. 

Most of the time, you let them do activities, like playing the tag around the hospital, playing some games inside, to study their comportment in groups, to see if they made friends in the group. You could tell who were friends with who, and who weren't. 

Michael was surely the one that stayed aside from almost everyone, always calm, silent. It's just a detail, but, despite the twins being older then Michael, he was still more mature than them. But, he did make one or two friends, indeed. 

Even if we couldn't consider this as a friendship, he really liked Bubba, because he apparently reminded him of his little sister, so, he sometimes took care of him as his little baby sister. He sometimes went to talk with Jason, both being the calmest and the most mature of the group, they got along well, and they liked doing art projects together. 

But, Michael was even more friendly with Norman, these two were the silent friends of the class, they only talk when they needed to. You didn't know how they got along, Michael was a calm, indifferent, almost asocial, emotionless boy, while Norman was a nervous, sensitive and wishing he had more friends boy. So, it was most likely that they went well together because they were both kinda shy, or silent. 

Michael was a pretty distant kid with you, but you persevere and your efforts paid off. He won't become a smiley kid nor whatever, but he'll get to open to people, a trusted person, and that is amazing. As an indication of growing friendship, or trust, he gave you a (Y/F/C) mask, an absolutely beautiful one.

Norman, who had one day late, got along well with almost everyone. There was a special bond between Michael and him, a silent agreement that will surely grow into a strong friendship. Surprisingly, since their temperament was pretty different, but, they went along well, even with their differences. 

Norman also went along really well with Jason, they didn't have the same bond as Michael and him, but they really fitted together, they were both pretty shy and calm, and, as another something in common, they both loved nature. Even if he liked Bubba cute and sweet attitude, like everyone, he didn't really talk to his brothers. 

He definitely disliked their indiscreet behaviour, almost impolite. Also the fact that they were so loud, energetic, prankster, being always too much talkative, almost weird. So, he stayed away from them, but, Norman was a polite child, always staying polite in any kind of situation. 

In contrary to Michael, who despise them to the point of refusing to talk to them in any project, totally ignoring them. With you, Norman learned quickly that he didn't need to be awkward and became good friends with you, plus, he was so nice and cute with you, a gentle, shy bunny. 

He did like staying alone sometimes, but who doesn't? He was still silent on things that happened home, but, you'll let him time, everyone need time to become trustful.

Jason was friendly with everyone, he wanted to be nice and try to friend everyone, he even told you that, if he does that, it's because he wants to try and see all type of personality and all the adventure he could live with each one of them. 

He mostly went play with Michael for projects or just to peacefully talking, he knew that he didn't want to be bothered much, and he respected that. Norman was surely the one that he understood the best, they were both really timid, shy, nervous, and they both had only a mother as the parent in their life, even if the relationship between them were different. It was surely the reason why they really liked playing or talking together. 

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