part9_foggy passionate night

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I'm really thankful for all the views you guys shared at last update. I'm giving you early update and that too full of Manan. Infect hottest Manan. Mature content so read on your own risk😉😉Don't blame me later. And yeah don't forget to write your precious views. Love you all.😚😚

Nandni was still sitting on the same bed. Manik and Daniel came back ASAP. As both entered inside manik saw her red eyes glued aimlessly at front wall. As victoria told them the whole situation, manik's anger was beyond control. Daniel waited for manik to go ahead but seeing the rage at his face Daniel knew it, he won’t even touch her until he finishes harshad's existence from earth. Daniel went forward and sat at bed besides nandni.

“Princess are you ok...!”  Daniel asked as gently as he could. Holding her hands he turned her attention towards himself. Seeing someone else closer to her instead of himself, manik’s hands balled into fists.

“I...I’m Ok....!” She tried to give a smile but Daniel knew what hard effort she exerting in her part to remove the glimpse of pain from her moist eyes.

“Why you left party without telling any one of us.....!” Daniel wanted to know the reason of her sudden absences. Nandni looked back towards manik and any one can see she was hardly holding her tears back. She kept looking towards manik but he looked away as guilt was evident in his eyes.

“I...I was having headache so I came back. But I didn’t notice harshad following me...!” Listening his name once again rage swirled in manik's eyes like a wildfire.

“I will kill him....!” manik turned around and from the look of him it felt like no one can stop him.

“I need to see him. I hope he won’t do any blunder. Be with nandni....!” Daniel asked to Victoria and ran after manik.


“Leave him. He will die....!” Daniel pushed manik away from harshad’s already lifeless body. Once again manik tried to come forward from Daniel’s grip but Daniel signalled to guards and they took harshad away.

“Are you out of your mind. If something happened to him, you might be in deep trouble. We will see him once we will be back India....!” Daniel trying his best to make manik understand the situation.


It’s been one hour Manik and Daniel were back. Victoria was still inside with nandni in manik’s room.
Daniel stood up and went towards manik who was sitting at chair. Till the time they came back manik didn’t say a single word. He was just drinking continuously like trying to wipe out this evening from his head.

"At least go and see how's she. You didn't even went to see her....!" Daniel asked while sitting besides him. Manik was totally silent. He was guilty for saying the words, he didn't mean to say. He just felt betrayed. He felt bad for her baby. He was feeling possessed, without knowing Aaron is his own son. He was angry because she lied to him. He was burning in storm of wrath because even Daniel knew about her son but he didn't know.

He took out his all anger in the punch he threw at Daniel. He punished her by pouring his all frustration and attraction in that one kiss he stolen during dance. He was wearing lenses so that she couldn’t know he kissed her. He didn’t want to give wrong signals to his employee but he was highly mistaken. She can’t forget those lips, though cause of his lenses she was somewhere doubtful. Manik poured more wine in his glass when Daniel snatched the glass.

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