Part21_Silent lazy steps

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Manik had awaken before Nandni. After taking shower and brushing teeth when he came out Aaron was playing with one corner of blanket. He was totally lost in his own fairy-land, talking to his own self. Manik smiled whole heartedly when Aaron's eyes landed at him. He sat up and was stretching his arms towards Manik. Getting more excited as Manik walked to him.

“My cutie boy...!” Manik kissed his hands after sitting at bed.

“Mamma. Mamma...!” Aaron was trying to tell Manik about Nandni who was still sleeping. Manik smiled seeing how his boy was concerned about the first thing in the morning, it was his mommy.

“Yes mommy sleeping. Lets go outside....!” Manik picked him in his arms and went at balcony. Aaron rubbed his eyes with both fists when morning breeze touched his chubby face. Manik wrapped his arms around him, before sitting at the resting chair. Aaron was giggling while pointing his finger at birds flying in the blue sky.

When Nandni woke up, she was alone in her bed. When she realised that there wasn't Aaron nor Manik. She got panicked. Throwing blanket away she came off the bed. But before she could go out of the room she noticed Manik sitting in balcony. Taking relieved sigh she went to see them. Manik was talking to their baby and in return Aaron giving cutest responses. Manik's Hands holding his tiny ones while his back resting against Manik's chest.

“One, Unn...!”
“Two, du...!”

Nandni smiled when she saw manik was saying counting at Aarons tiny fingers and Aaron was repeating counting in his toddler voice.

“Yes, my good boy....!” Manik kissed his cheeks and laughed after listening his unsteady broken words. He wrapped his arms tightly around his belly, like enjoying to embrace his soft body into his massive arms. As Manik sensed her appearance he looked up.

“Good morning....!” he greeted softly, giving his charming smile. Nandni greeted him back as well and moved closer.

“I got scared. You both weren't there....!” Nandni said, while standing at front of Manik. She moved her fingers, into Aaron's soft black hairs.

“We came here, didn’t want to disturb your sleep....!” Manik replied, making space at his chair for her. She sat besides him.

“My baby may never disturb me....!” her voice dipped into pure love, holding his hands she kissed them. Manik silently smiled triumphantly, admiring this unbreakable bond between these two mother and son.

“My boy is lucky to have you....!” he said wrapping one arm around Nandni as well.

“When you weren't here, he was the only ray of hope. Whenever I had nightmares, waking up screaming at nights, his presence always helped me to hold my shattered self together. He was who kept me sane, otherwise may be I would have ended in any mental hospital.....!” she chuckled, totally failed to hide the flash of residual pain she went through. Manik looking at her like her words actually hitting the innermost part of his wounded soul. He wrapped around her waistline even more tightly, to bring her side to be pressed to his.

“I know my boy took good care of mummy....!” he said placing kiss over Aaron's head.

“Mamma, mamma....!” Aaron tapped his palm at Nandni’s knee and after diverting her full attention towards himself, he raised his both hands up together. Manik and nandni looking down at him surprisingly.

“Unn, thee...!” and now Aaron was excited to tell the nandni, what he just learnt from daddy. Listening his counting and ten fingers, manik and nandni laughed with pure devotion in their eyes.

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