part6_Alexander or Manik malhotra

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How their agonies laughed, they had them down, but they came around back together. They thought they lost each other, years gone by, but they got found.

Everything around was silent as manik walked out of the beach house he was staying since last 5 days. He came here, out of city with Daniel and Victoria to meet one client. They needed to manage few issues so he decided to stay at one of daniel's newly bought beach house. He went out of the house at sea shore. It was windy and he loved the feeling of the cool breeze. Finally finding a serene deserted bench he sat down. The beauty of the blue water of still sea was breath taking.

There was a sorrow-full beating in his chest, causing a bitter-sweet pain. His lips twitched into a faint smile as someone's valiant actions came into his mind. As he told her, he was aware of her pillar hide and seek, at first she became shocked and then embarrassed.

“Manik....!” unconsciously his name slipped of her tongue, when it was totally unfamiliar for his own self. But surely that name caught his attention. His playful smirk got replaced by a deep frown at his forehead. She was going to say something really spicy when one guard came inside after knocking the door. Manik was gazing towards her like he even forgot how to breath.

“Nandni madam, Mrs ishani is outside asking for you. She is looking really worried....!” as guard informed, nandni looked back towards manik's blank face and then ran out of the room.


Suddenly all the words started echoing in manik’s head. He closed his eyes tightly when it became unbearable. He felt like black shadows penetrated his spinning head. Faint noises, screams, laughs started hammering in his skull.
Leaving the table he was leaning on, he fisted his hairs in strong grip. He jerked his head many times like all nebulous memories were making his eyes hazy. Pain was increasing with every passing second. His head started throbbing with so much pain and dizziness that he felt urgent need to sit down. He tried to walk towards his chair when some one entered in his room.

“Hey...! are you ok....?” in few long strides Daniel was beside manik. Looking manik's grip at his head Daniel knew it once again any thing familiar to his past, brought severe flashes of his lost memory. The same chair, few minutes before manik pushed nandni at, Daniel pulled near to manik. Gripping his arm Daniel asked him to sit at that chair.

“Why you don’t listen to me. You must see the doctors. Your headache getting more severe day by day....!” Daniel scolded him while sitting down at front of his chair. Suddenly in his words manik felt so much brotherly-endearment that his heart clenched. Daniel could clearly see that painful ripple at the back of his quiet stare.

Daniel silently stood up and was going to leave when Manik's words made him surprised.

“Don’t you hate me....?” manik whispered lowly still looking down.

“You don't deserve hatred....!” Daniel replied without looking back
towards manik.

“I wish, she could see the love in your eyes, which I can never give her. A man like me have nothing, just money and power of being wealthy. Just a successful businessman, heartless The Alexander billionaire.....!” Manik whispered throwing his heavy head back at chair. Daniel turned around to look at the man, who have deep scars but still he's pro at hiding them behind fake rude mask. He always saw him as strongest man but at the moment he can only see a shattered, alone, tired man who just needed his family and more his love, his girl. Only she can heal those deep gashes.

Next day Daniel forced manik to take rest at home. First manik denied totally but later his spinning painful head didn’t allow him to get ride of his bed. As manik came to know, their few clients want to meet them manik said yes without informing Daniel or Victoria. He wanted to go away, not for so long but at least few days. May be this meeting was gonna be relief from stress of worrying about those moments he spent with her, or may be from his hormones.

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