Chapter 113

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Shawn's POV:
"Shawn!" I hear someone yelling, followed by feeling a pillow on my face. "Shawn. wake up!" Puzzled I open my eyes to see Aaliyah standing there. "What is it?" I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

"Shawn, it's about Maggie! Mom and Dad aren't home so move your ass into the car now!" Aaliyah shouts, rushing downstairs again. "Wait what?" I shout back, being fully awake now. Since I feel asleep in my clothes I run after her towards the car.

"What is about Maggie?" I ask, approaching the car. "Get in and drive to the hotel where Camila is! Hurry!" She tells me, sitting into the passenger seat. I jog over to the other side, sitting in and starting the car. "Could you please tell me what's going on, Aaliyah?" I ask, quickly looking over to her, seeing her typing on her phone.

"Listen, we need to get there as soon as possible. Camila got stuck in an elevator with a boy. He was acting really weird and as he accidentally let his phone fall, Camila could read a message he just got. It was 'I'll leave with her now' and the contact name was a D." Aaliyah explains.

"You think it was from Damian?" I ask, nervously. "Well it's kind of obvious. That can't be a coincidence." Aaliyah answers, sighing. Leaving? What does he mean with that? "And the boy?"

"Camila is still stuck with him but she can't call the police. We have no evidence."  "But the message-" "Camila told me he deleted it right after. Shawn, you have to drive faster." Aaliyah says. "I'm already driving more than I should." I mumble, pressing down the gas pedal a bit more. If the police pulls us over or if I get in an accident, we wold never be there onto time.

"Shit." I curse, as we come to a stop. "What is it? Why are you stopping?" Aaliyah asks, looking up from her phone. "Traffic jam." I sigh, running a hand trough my hair. This can't be true. "What now?"

"I don't know maybe it doesn't last that long." I reply, starting to bounce my leg up an down. "Stop that! You are making me even more nervous." Aaliyah grumbles. I grip the steering wheel tight, hoping that leaving doesn't mean what I think. 

"What if they are flying to another country? It would be more logical than staying in Canada." I question, looking over to Aaliyah. She just shakes her head. "This is taking too long. How far is it till the hotel?"

"About 5 more minutes." I respond. "We are just going to run, come on." Aaliyah urges, getting out of the car. She's right. I drive the car more to the side, following her. "Come on." She shouts, starting to run on the side of the street.

"Aaliyah watch out! Mom would kill me if you get run over." I shout back, catching up to her. We run until we reach the entrance if the hotel. Breathing heavily , I call Camila but she doesn't pick up. "Aaliyah... she's not answering." I press out, trying to catch my breath.

"There can't be so many elevators." Aaliyah says, rushing into the hotel with me behind her. We look around the lobby, spotting an elevator on the other side if it. "There!" I exclaim, heading towards it.

"Do you know which floor they are?" I question but Aaliyah shakes her head. "Try to call her again. I'll ask." I say, walking over to the reception. "Excuse me. The elevator is defect, right? On which floor is it stuck?" I ask, showing a smile. The receptionist gives me a weird look, eyeing me up and down.

I probably look insane now but I couldn't care less. "A friend of mine is stuck in there." I explain. "On the third floor. Don't worry, we will get the people in there out of it as soon as possible." She reassures, looking at me over the edge of her glasses.

"Thank you. How many people are stuck?" I ask, coughing a bit. "Two." She says, eyeing me skeptically. "Oh okey. Could you tell me who?" I ask, smiling. "I'm sorry but I can't give out information about our guests here." She replies.

"Okey thanks anyways." I say, turning to walk back to Aaliyah. "Shawn she texted me. They are about to get them out of there."

"Wait here. I'll go to the third floor. If you see anything suspicious call the police anyways." I tell her before running up the stairs. I reach the third floor, walking around to find the elevator.

As I round the corner I spot Camila and a boy coming out of it, after a man opened a door for them. The boy looks at his phones quickly before heading into the opposite direction of me. Camila notices me and points towards the boy. As I get what she means I run after him, careful that he doesn't see me right away.

He opens one of the hotel rooms and before he could close the door behind him, I step in. "What do you want?" the boy asks, confused.

"Where's Maggie?" I question, stepping closer to him. I'm not going to lie. He's almost taller than me and seems really muscular. "What? Who are you?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows. "Oh com on. we know that you have something to do with Damian. Are you honestly helping  someone to kidnap a girl?"

Camila asks, after locking the room. His facial expression changes to slightly nervous but he still acts as if he has no clue. "I saw the text. Don't try to deny it." "I have no clue what you two are talking about. Leave my room now!" He says, angrily.

"Where is Maggie?" I repeat, stepping again a bit closer to him. "I don't know." He says, staring right back into my eyes. "Listen." I speak up, grabbing him by the collar of his jacket. "If you don't tell me right now where Damian is planning to bring her, I'll beat the shit out of you until you gladly tell me."

He acts like he doesn't care but I could see him swallow nervously. "I told you I don't know." He mutters, ripping my hands away from him. "Okey. If you want it the hard way." I say, punching him with all the strength I have into his jaw. He stumbles back, since I took him by surprise but soon he steps forward throwing a punch at me.

I block his hand, ramming my knee into his stomach. Groaning he ducks down and I push him to the ground.

"Where is she?" I ask, throwing another punch at him as I hover above him. "I told you I don't know." He shouts, punching me into my jaw. I ignore the pain pressing him down again, repeatedly throwing my fist into his face. "Tell me now or I swear I'm going to-"

"Shawn! It's enough! Get off him." Camila shouts, gabbing my arm. I look down at his bruised and blood covered face before backing off.

"Are you out if your mind?" Camila gasps but I say nothing. "Look. I get it okey? He's a psycho and you are worried but I don't know where he's going. He only told me to bring him faked passports. That's all I know." The boy says, wiping the blood off his nose.

"And why are you doing this?" Camila questions. "He threatened my sister. I had to help him." He replies, standing up. "Oh..." I mumble. "I-I'm sorry.  I should have listened." I say. "Honestly it's fine. Your are not that strong." He chuckles.

"Mhm. I owe you something. And I'm really sorry about that man." I say, scratching my neck. "It's fine. Now go and find her. I can only tell you that he'll be at the airport in Toronto." He says.

Maggie's POV:
"I'm not flying anywhere." I state, starting to panic. "Baby, we can't stay here. People will find us. I can't let that happen." Damian tells me, stroking over my cheek. It takes everything in me not to slap his hand away.

I don't want to risk anything. He still has Aaliyah somewhere. I can't let something happen to her because of me. "But... I don't want to leave Canada. My family and friends are all here." I reason, starting to sob. Maybe I can change his mind with that again.

"Don't cry, Maggie. Don't worry. It's just us two now. You won't miss them. You have me." He coos, pulling me into a hug. Shit. He's completely crazy.  "No." I argue, pushing him away. "Damian, let me go right now or I'm going to scream when we are under all the people and securities." I warn.

His eyes darken and his jaw clenches at my words. He grips the steering wheel tightly, coming dangerously close to me. "Listen sweetie." He whispers, grabbing my chin with his fingers.

"If you scream or tell somebody about us I'm going to call the man who has Aaliyah. Just one call, I don't even have to say something, and her live ends. You understand me?" Damian asks. I could feel my rapid heart beat in my whole body.

"I understand." I whisper, feeling the tears welling up in my eyes again.

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