Chapter 31

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Shawn's POV :
She's looking up into the night sky. The moonlight is shining into her face and the stars are reflected in her eyes. She looks so damn beautiful. It was like in one of these cliche romantic movies. So why not make this moment even more cliche?

I climb back into her room taking my phone. I search for her favourite slow song. I climb outside again. "Remember when you said you don't know how to dance?" She just raises her eyebrows. I put my phone onto the little table and walk over to her taking her hands.

I pull her up and we walk to the table again. "Since when can you dance?" she giggles. "You'll see." I laugh turning the music on. Say you won't let go started playing. She smiled at me revealing her cute little dimples. I pull her closer to me. She lays her hands on my shoulders. We start swaying to the music.

Taking little steps. She looks down trying not to step on my shoes. I pull her even closer. She lifts her head and looks at me surprised. It feels like my heart almost pumps out of my chest. How does she make me so nervous? She brings her hands up to my neck crossing her fingers behind it. We just stare into each others eyes. Her face was so close to mine, making me want to kiss her so bad. Come on Shawn, make a move!

She bites her lower lip. Oh god, she drives me crazy. The song stopped playing and suddenly she takes a step back. Cursing under my breath, I close my eyes. That was the perfect moment to kiss her but I waited too long.

"Well thanks for showing me how to dance. It's not as difficult as I thought." she laughs. Did she feel nothing? I laugh too trying to cover the awkwardness. "No problem. Umm... it's late I think I should go now." I say walking over to hug her. "See you tomorrow?" I ask pulling back. "Yeah see you!" she says smiling.

I arrive back home and after showering, I let myself fall onto the bed. Groaning I turn the lights off. I'm such and idiot.

Maggie's POV:
We are dancing slowly to one of my favourite songs, in the moonlight, beneath thousands of stars. It's like a dream came true. I look into his eyes. They are so warm and beautiful. My face is only inches away from his.

He quickly looks at my lips and up into my eyes again. I remember what Leah told me. Why is he doing this when he loves someone else? He would make a move if he like me, right? The song comes to an end and he didn't do anything. I step back pretty embarrassed. "Well thanks for showing me how to dance. It's not as difficult as I thought." I laugh. My face is as red as a tomato.

Thank god he can't see it right now. He says that he has to go home. After hugging me he climbs back into my room and leaves. I watch as he drives away with his jeep. Sighing I sit on the edge of the little roof.

I wish this moment would have never ended. I take the blanket and go to bed.

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