Chapter 51

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Maggie's POV:
Oh my god. She got shot? But how? "I'm going to visit her now. You can come with me. I mean if you wa-" "Yes I'm coming." I whisper and we run to his car. I don't care about school now. I have to at least know if she's going to be okey.

The car ride was completely silent. It was pressuring silence. Like the air gets thinner and thinner by minute. I look over to Aiden who is gripping the steering wheel tightly. His eyes focused on the road, breathing heavily.

A sick feeling spreads in me but I can't put my finger on it. Who would shoot Leah? My eyes widen as I think about the unknown number. Can it be? I grab my handbag from the backseat and roam around to find my phone.

My hands start to slightly shake ad I turn the screen, revealing that I received a new message. From an unknown number.
Unknown: You can't run away from me forever, baby.
You: What do you mean?
Unknown: You'll see but keep looking out for your friends. You see what can happen.
What the hell? Who could this be ?
You: Who are you ?
Unknown: Be patience Maggie. You'll find out soon enough.
I could feel my heart best in my head. I didn't get a message from the unknown  number for weeks and now, exactly when Leah is kn the hospital the stranger contacts me again. I thought it was a joke.

I assume that it's a boy since he always calls me baby or something. Oh... Damian? But why would he? He was the one who left me not the other way round. So why would he want me back? Was he the one who shot Leah? I sigh and stroke through my hair.

What's going on here? I have so many questions that my head starts to hurt. I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Maggie we are here." Aiden mumbles and gets out of the car, me following behind.

"Excuse me, we are here to visit Leah Lancaster." Aiden tells the woman at the reception. She looks up at us though her glasses. "Are you family?" "No-" Aiden starts but I interrupt him.

"I'm her friend and he's her boyfriend. Could you please tell us what happened." I ask smiling sweetly. "Take a seat in the waiting room I'll inform the doctor in charge." she answers blankly. I nod and we take a seat.

"Thanks. She probably wouldn't have let us see her if you didn't say that." Aiden says blushing. "No problem." I say smiling. He's head over heels for her. I hope one day she'll feel the same.

We wait for about 2 and a half hours till a doctor finally approaches us. "Are you the boyfriend of Leah Lancaster." The doctor asks. Aiden hesitates so I nudge him with my elbow into his ribs.

"Y-yeah I'm. Is she okey?" "It probably happened today around 8 am. Someone called the ambulance saying a girl got shot in the stomach. As the ambulance arrived no one  was there expect Leah. She lost really much blood and she's lucky that the bullet didn't hit her chest.

We still don't know who it could be but we are going to inform you as soon as we know more. For now she's stable but probably asleep. "The doctor explains.

We just nod taking all the information in. "Her room is 203 down the hall and then left. I'm sorry but only one of you is allowed to go in." The doctor adds and walks away. "You go in okey? I still don't  know if I want to face her but pleas she text me how she is." I say and hug Aiden.

"I will." He sighs a slight smile finding its way to his lips. He walks to her room and I look at my phone. It's already half past 3. School has ended an hour ago!  
Shawn and I are going to meet up with Shelley and Luc in less than half an hour. "Oh shit." I mumble as I see three messages and a missed call from Shawn.

I dial his number and wait till he picks up. "Maggie! Where the hell are you?" Shawn asks sounding worried. I smile to myself. He's so sweet. Always worrying when he doesn't know where I am. "Hello?" He asks again. "Oh sorry. I'm in the hospital-" "You are what?! What happened? You know what I'm coming right now." He rambles with a raised voice.

"Shawn! Calm down." I whisper yell. "Listen, I'm not in the hospital because of Leah. She got shot and Aiden visited her so I came along. I'm fine." I add. "Oh... umm how is she?" Shawn asks. "She's stable but I don't know more. Only one of us could go in." I sigh, walking towards the exit of the hospital.

"Are you okey?" Shawn asks with a soft voice. "I told you already that I'm fine." I state. "No... I don't mean physically. I mean like emotionally." He mumbles.

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