Chapter 49

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(2 weeks later) Maggie's POV:
The week I was grounded went over actually pretty fast. To have time to catch up on homework was really what I needed. Without any distractions.

Well the only distractions were Shawn and Leah. Shawn texted me everyday how bored he was when I couldn't leave the house and in school he constantly found a way to make me laugh which also caused me to have detention.

But he's like the best boyfriend I could wish for. Jackson and I finished the project and also Shawn and Leah did but they split the work and did their part alone.

Aron had to work pretty much lately, so I came away with a few bruises. Either he was too drunk or he was so tired from working late. I hope it will stay like this for a longer time now.

I also haven't got a message from the unknown number since Shawn walked home with me that day. It's ac the making me even more scared. Why would the person suddenly stop to text me?

Maybe it was just a joke from someone. But who was the man or boy who pushed me underwater in the pool? Why me? I don't even want to know what would have happened if Shawn hadn't found me.

Anyways Leah always attempts to talk with me. Every day! I ignore her every time. I just don't know what to do. I miss my best friend but would a best friend really do that?

She could have told me sooner about her feelings for Shawn but instead she made everything worse. Should I forgive her? I don't really know. I haven't talked to Shawn about it yet. He avoids her too.

It has to be pretty awkward for him. The good news are that Shawn is going to play his own song at the school festival soon and he also said that he has something big to tell me in the afternoon! I'm so excited!

"Hey are you even listening to me?" Shawn laughs poking my cheek. We are sitting on a bench outside the school. We still have ten minutes till the lesson starts, so I annoyed Shawn so long that he said he will tell me now.

"Yeah yeah. I'm listening so now tell me!" I say grinning and stroke through his soft curls. "I love it when you do that." he mumbles and puts me on his lap. I look at him and see that he has his eyes closed.

„Shaaawn tell me now!" I whine. "Okey okey. So you know that I started to write more songs." he says. "The songs you don't want me to hear?" I tease him. "They are not perfect yet. So don't start with that again." Shawn chuckles. "So I'll just come straight to the point.

A music manager who saw the covers I uploaded, contacted me yesterday that he wants to meet me. I'll record my own song and sign a contract with Island Records!" Shawn exclaims. His eyes literally gleaming with happiness.

„That's so amazing! I'm so proud of you Shawn." I squeal and hug him tightly. "Thanks baby. I would have never done that without you, so thank you so much." he whispers in my ear. I pull back and look into his brightly smiling face.

„Don't thank me. This was all you Shawn. You have like so much talent, it was meant to be discovered!" I say kissing all over his face. He laughs and cups my cheeks to hold my head still. "I have to tell you something else aswell." he mumbles, suddenly seeming sad.

„What's wrong?" I ask frowning. Shawn takes my hand rubbing circles on the back of it.

Shawn's POV:
"I have to fly to New York this weekend and stay there for about two weeks. I'm leaving on saturday in the morning. If the song is good I'll probably get to play at a few small locations. So it could be that I'm away for about three weeks." he says looking at our intertwined hands.

I put two fingers under his chin to make him look at me. "Shawn you dream is about to come true. You want to be a singer right? So take this chance and please don't worry about me. We still have today, tomorrow and friday!" I say smiling.

„I love you so much." Shawn sighs. "What?" I ask. "You heard me." he chuckles. "Yeah but I won't ever get tired of hearing you say that." "I love you, I love you, I love you..." Shawn says in between kisses. "God could you two please not do that all the time!" Luc groans walking towards us.

„Hey let them be! It took long enough for them to be a couple." Emma laughs. "True." Luc sighs grinning. I see Shawn blush and start to laugh. We walk to our next class.

Shawn Jackson and I have chemistry now which means we have to face Leah. We walk into the class and for my luck she's isn't there yet. I sit down at my usual table as the other students walk through the door.

„Hey." Shawn says smiling and kisses my cheek as he sits beside me. I smile back, putting my things out. Everyone comes in expect Leah. Is she ditching class? Or maybe she's sick?

I turn to the front as the teacher walk in. "Why should I care where she is. "Good morning class." Mr. Walker calls out to make us quiet. The lesson was pretty boring but Shawn sometimes poked me under the table which made me laugh so loud that the teacher got angry.

„Now I'll give you the grades for the project. I have to say I'm positively surprised." Mr. Walker says and walks around giving ever a sheet with their grade.

A paper got placed in front of me and I start to smile. "Good work Mrs. Cooper but if you keep disturbing the lesson, I'll think about the grade." He says and looks at me with raised eyebrows. "Sorry sir." I say nodding.

He places a paper in front of Shawn with a warning look. Shawn coughs and I start to chuckle. Jackson and I got an a A+! I look over to Shawn and see that he and Leah also got an A. "Woah Shawn since when are you interested in learning for chemistry?" I ask surprised.

"I'm not but I have to get as good grades as possible till I have to leave." Shawn chuckles. I smile trying not to show that it makes me sad that he's leaving. It also makes me a bit scared.

Everytime something happened to me, Shawn
was there to help. I shake my head. I shouldn't think like that. The lesson end and we head to our next class. "Hey partner! I knew we would get a good grade." Jackson says proudly and hugs me. "Yeah with my work it was impossible not to." I say grinning.

I pull back from the hug and see Shawn leaning against a locker with crossed arms, looking not really happy at Jackson. "Mhm but remember I was the one who stopped you from talking about your jealous boyfriend all the time." Jackson chuckles and winks at me.

I feel a hand grab mine. "We have to go now Maggie." Shawn mutters and pulls me into the other direction. I wave at Jackson and look at Shawn. "Shawn?" I chuckle. He ignores me. "Babyyy?" I ask but he still doesn't answer.

"Is there someone jealous?" I tease him. He rolls his eyes and huffs. "I'm not jealous." "Oh sure so you'll let me go to my class now?" I chuckle. He stops walking and looks at me confused.

„We have different classes now." I laugh. "Oh." he sighs. "Shawn no need to be jealous of Jackson. I love you and only you." I whisper in his ear and kiss him. "Mhm." He mumbles and smiles slightly. "I love you too."

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