Chapter 60

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Maggie's POV:
I wake up with a pain in my stomach and back. My head pounding as I try to stretch myself a little but quickly stop as the pain shoots down my spine.

This will again need exhausting days to heal. I actually wanted to visit mom but I can't go there like this, so I decided to call her. She said she's okey so why would Aron say... something like yesterday.

Maybe mom is just lying to make us feel better. Tears start to brim in my eyes but I just to shake off the awful thoughts. Thank god it's Sunday. I wouldn't survive a day in school today.

Grunting, I manage to stand up from my bed. In the bathroom I don't even make the afford to look at my reflection in the mirror. I know that it look worse than yesterday. After showering, I put on comfy clothes and cover the bruises on my jaw and cheek, putting a new plaster on my forehead. Oh no!

I bet Shawn is so nervous and I didn't call him! Great girlfriend really. Scolding myself, I slowly walk over to my phone. Three missed calls, two missed FaceTime calls and two messages. Poor Shawn. As I was about to open the chat, I see many notifications on my instagram.

I click on the app to see comments like 'Omg they are so cute.' 'Wow Shawn I'm proud of you' 'Couple goals.' I click onto Shawn's instagram account with about 500 000 follower, which I convinced him to make after his videos got famous on Vine and YouTube.

Seeing that Shawn postet the pictures of us where we had the Picknick withe the others, makes me smile brightly. My head on his shoulder as I'm snuggled up into his side with his arm around me tightly. Reading the caption makes my heart flutter.

'Hey guys! You see this beautiful girl besides me? She my favourite person in the whole world. No one can replace my amazing girlfriend. Back off everyone :) Maggie I miss you already and of course I Iove you.' Not bothering to open the chat, I call him back.

„Heyyy baby girl." „Hey Shawnie." I chuckle at his enthusiasm. „In a good mood today huh?" I ask. „Yes of course! But I'm so nervous and honestly you are missing..."

He mumbles the last part but I could hear it anyways. „Shawn you are gonna do amazing trust me. I miss you too but try not to think about me now." I reply. Smiling at how cute he is, I sit onto my bed. „That's not possible. You are on my mind all day." he sighs.

"God Shawn you are so cheesy" I chuckle. „So I'm not on your mind all day?" Shawn whispers sadly but I could imagine the grin on his face so well. „Nah but sometimes you cross my mind. Like right now when I'm hungry and need someone to bring me food." I reply.

"I'm genuinely hurt Maggie. Never gonna bring you food again." he states. „Nooo sorry baby I love you and I always think about you." I say, chuckling into the phone.

„Yeah yeah I know that you are always thinking about food." Shawn teases. „Hey that's not true at all!" I huff, defending myself. „Of course love." he laughs. „Can we FaceTime tonight? I want to see your adorable face with your adorable freckles and adorable dimples." Shawn says.

I roll my eyes even though I know he can't see me. „Don't roll your eyes at me!" Shawn scoffs. „How do you know?" I ask. „I just know my adorable girlfriend Maggie!" he says laughing causing me to laugh too.

„Say that word one more time and I..." „And you what?" Shawn asks with a sassy tone in his voice. „I'm not going to make you muffins when you come home." I state, being proud of my answer. The line stays silent for a few moments.

"Okey... you won but your promise that you are going to make me muffins?" Shawn asks defeated. „Of course babe." I say chuckling.

„I'm sorry hunny but I have to go now. Call me later?" „Yes I'll call you. Bye Shawn good luck and I love you! Oh I forgot. What you posted is so cute. I a have the best boyfriend ever!" I say happily. „Thanks and I know I'm the best! But you are too, love you bye!" he chuckles and hangs up.

He can always lighten up my mood and he lets me forget the bad things in my life even if it's just for few minutes.

I shut off my phone but stop my actions as I see the familiar unknown number pop up on.
Unknown: Shawn's gone now huh?
Unknown: That's going to be fun sweetheart.
I kept telling myself that this is just a stupid joke but I'm not sure anymore. How does the stranger know that Shawn is gone? Suddenly I start to feel like someone's watching me. I'm getting paranoid.

Slowly I walk towards my window and look out of it only to see nothing but the brownish leaves being blown around from a slight breeze. The ringing of my phone making me jump, causing me to groan in pain.

I sigh and make my way towards my phone to pick it up. I frown as I see the caller ID. Aaliyah?

„Hey Aali-„I say but get cut of by her. „Maggie! Thank god you picked up! Umm... could you come over? I need someone to talk..." she breaths out and I bite my lip in suspense. „Aaliyah I can't today... I-„ „Please Maggie just for a bit." she pleads. I can't say no.

"Of course. I'll be there in a bit." I answer and she mumbles a thank you before hanging up. Aaliyah sounds really down. I put one of Shawn's hoodie on to cover the bruises, immediately smiling as his lovely scent surrounds me.

I feel this warm feeling In my stomach like I get it everytime I hug or kiss him. Savoring this moment, I stand in the middle of my room till i notice what I actually was about to do.

I sneak quietly down the stairs and pass the kitchen to get to the front door. „Where do you think you are going?" I hear a stern voice say. Turning around I'm faced with Aron.

Shawn's POV:
I sing the last line of Life of the party, one of my songs, squeezing my eyes shut tightly. Please let them like it. I sigh and open my eyes again, looking into serious faces behind the glass of the recording room.

The producer, who is sitting on his chair behind the table with many buttons on it, (Don't know what it's called.😂) stands up and waves me over to him.

I look at Andrew, giving me a reassuring smile as I came to a stop in front of the tall gray haired man. I have to admit, he looks pretty intimidating. He stares into my eyes for a few moments, making my body stiffen.

„Congratulations Mr. Mendes for your contract with Island Records." he say and smiles for the first time we got here. My eyes widen as I take in the information.

I can record my own song! My own song! Oh my god! A bright smile spreads across my lips as I shake his hand, trying not to freak out right on the spot. Talking about a few more informations we sit down in a big room.

Another man and a girl about my age sit down on the big white table together with Andrew and me. She's probably a secretary but I don't know who the other man is. As Andrew talks to the producer, I stare onto the ceiling. I still can't believe it. I know I'm still far away from my dream but also a big step further.

My gaze meets the one of the girl who has a slight smirk playing on her lipstick red lips as she watches me. I awkwardly smile a bit before listening to the conversation but I could still feel her gaze on me.

"That's everything you need to know for now. We'll see us tomorrow morning. All motivated and fresh!" the producer, who's name I found out is Mr. Johnson, chuckles and stands again up to shake our hands

„Thank you very much." I say and walk out after Andrew. I could feel a hand on my shoulder, stopping me. „Your voice is great Shawn. I'm Lynn by the way." she says smiling sweetly, her hand still on my arm.

"Uhh... thank you." I say moving a bit away from her. „Anyways see you tomorrow." she laughs and turns around, her auburn hair waving as she turns around. Okey... what was that?

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