Chapter 111

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Shawn's POV:
„I'm coming. Is Maggie there too?" I ask, hopefully. „No Shawn, they only found Aaliyah. I'm sorry." my mom responds sighing. „Alright. At least Aaliyah is save. I'm on my way." I say, hanging up. „What is it?" Camila questions.

„They found my sister." I say, smiling relieved. Well, somewhat relieved. „That's great! Maybe she knows something. You can drop me on your way home by a hotel. I don't want to disturb."

„You are staying?" I ask, starting the car. „Of course. I can't let my friend down Shawn. I'm gonna help you." Camila answers smiling. „Thank you Mila. I'm honestly so thankful for that." I say, returning the smile. „No problem at all. And now hurry." I chuckle, driving past the hotel she's staying in and then home.

I quickly jog up to the front door. I was about to unlock the door as it swings open, revealing my brightly smiling dad. „Where is she?" I ask, giving him a hug.

„In the livingroom." my dad informs, heading towards it with me following behind. Aaliyah sits there on the couch besides my mom, wrapped in a blanket looking totally fine. No bruises or wounds. Thank god.

„Aaliyah." I breath out, kneeling down to hug her. „I'm so glad you are okey." I say, squeezing her gently. „Me too." she chuckles, patting my back. I pull back opening my mouth to say something but she already guessed it before I could bring out the first word.

„I'm sorry, Shawn. I don't know where Maggie is. Someone with a mask locked me in a dark room. I woke up, having to clue how I got there. The man never took the mask off. I couldn't recognize him and I never saw Maggie. I'm so sorry." Aaliyah tells me, her voice cracking.

„Aaliyah, it's not your fault, okey? How did you get away? Do you remember where it was ?"

„No, I don't. Yesterday the man came in and put a blindfold on me, dragging me outside. He sat me in a car with my hands tied and let me go besides a street, near our house. I have no clue where it could be." Aaliyah sighs, rubbing her hands over her face.

„At least you are okey." I say, giving her a reassuring smile. „You are right? Did they hurt you or something?" „No I'm okey." she say. „What now?" Aaliyah asks. „Sweetheart we can do nothing bit wait."my mom sighs, standing up the go to the kitchen.

„Wait? We can't just sit there and wait. Shawn?" I breath out frustratedly. I don't want to wait either but what can we do? „Did the police find something?" I ask, my dad.

„No, they didn't. It's like she disappeared from this earth." dad says, shaking his head. „Do you think he did something to her? She's not d-." „Don't say that okey? We'll find her." I snap, earning a warning glare from my dad.

„Okey." Aaliyah mumbles, looking at the hot chocolate, my mom just brought her. „Shawn have you already packed for your tour?" mom asks. „Mom, I'm not going anywhere as long as Maggie isn't home again." I state, making them look at me frowning.

„Please don't argue with me. I already had this talk with Andrew. He said I should think about it and I did." I add. „We'll talk tomorrow. Let's all go to sleep now." mom says, leading Aaliyah upstairs. I follow them, going into my room. Huffing , I let myself fall onto the bed, closing my eyes.

Camilas' POV:
I thank the man at the reception and walk with my suitcase towards the elevator, putting my sunglasses on. I don't want anyone to recognize me right now, I need to get into my room. I pull my phone out texting Shawn, to inform me if anything new happens.

I can't believe all this. It's like one of these movies. Let's just hope it ends well. Shawn look horrible. I don't know what he would do if Maggie won't be found anymore. He seems to love her more than anything.

Therefore I need to help. I just don't know how yet. Guess, I'll stay longer than actually planned. I press the button for the fifth floor.

The elevator arrives and I walk in, fortunately being the only person. The elevator stops at the next floor. A dark haired boy comes in after the door opened. I smile slightly but he just looks around before pressing the button for the first floor. Okey?

I thought the people in Canada are always nice. I let my let my eyes wander over him. He constantly taps with his fingers over his jeans and he slightly moved his knee back and forth, seeming really nervous.

I was about to say something as suddenly the elevator starts to quake slightly until it stops but the door stay closed. Don't tell me it has a defect... The boy grumbles, pressing some buttons repeatedly but nothing works.

„I guess we are stuck." I sigh. He turns around, running a hand trough his hair. "Oh really?" He snaps, rolling his eyes. "Not in a good mood huh?" I tease, crossing my arms. "What's your name stranger?"

„Why would I tell you?" He asks, typing on his phone. "Oh maybe because we will be stuck here for a while and your a very unfriendly." I answer. "My name is Thomas. Happy now?" He questions, raising his eyebrows.

„I'm Camila." I say, smiling a bit. "Did I ask?" He mumbles, keeping his eyes locked on his phone. "Why so nervous?" I ask, not able to contain my curiosity. "I'm not nervous. Now could you please stop being annoying." Thomas mutters, accidentally dropping his phone while putting it into his pocket.

I kneel down to pick it up since it slipped over to me. As I unintentionally look at the lit up screen, my eyes widen. "I'll leave with her now. Send me the copy." I read. And the contact name was D. Oh my god. Can it be?

„Thanks." He mumbles, snatching the phone out of my hand. I nod, smiling a little. 'I'll leave with her now.' Is that about Maggie? It can't be a coincidence that contact name is a D. But why leave? I have to tell Shawn but I can't call, Thomas would hear what I'm talking. I quickly fumble around in my purse to find my phone.
You: Shawn are you there? It's important!!! Answer please.

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